ory / kratos

The most scalable and customizable identity server on the market. Replace your Homegrown, Auth0, Okta, Firebase with better UX and DX. Has all the tablestakes: Passkeys, Social Sign In, Multi-Factor Auth, SMS, SAML, TOTP, and more. Written in Go, cloud native, headless, API-first. Available as a service on Ory Network and for self-hosters.
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Unable to connect to database, failed to parse as URL #2294

Closed AurimasNav closed 2 years ago

AurimasNav commented 2 years ago

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

automigrate container fails due to failed parsing of postgres address as URL.

Reproducing the bug

  1. configure dsn for postgres on azure in helm values with password including symbols #!$%&+{}<>:
  2. try to deploy with helm

Relevant log output

> time=2022-03-08T08:32:42Z level=warning msg=Unable to connect to database, retrying. audience=application error=map[message:cannot parse `postgres:xxxxxx@dev-psql:xxxxxx@dev-psql.postgres.database.azure.com:5432/orykratos-dev-psqldb?sslmode=verify-full`: failed to parse as URL (parse "postgres://**user**:**password_fragment**": invalid port ":**password_fragment**" after host)] service_name=Ory Kratos service_version=v0.8.0-alpha.3

Relevant configuration

    dsn: postgress://user:password_with_special_symbols_#!&+{}<>:@postgres_fqdn:port/db_name_etc.



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

Kubernetes with Helm

Additional Context

Not sure if qualifies as a bug, if not then it would be nice if in the configuration docs it would be mentioned that symbols in dsn need to be percent-encoded for url parsing.

aeneasr commented 2 years ago

Try url-encoding it, so password_with_special_symbols_%23%21%26%2B%7B%7D%3C%3E%3A, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6718471/escaping-username-characters-in-basic-auth-urls

imchasingshadows commented 2 years ago

I think kratos/keto should provide a mechanism that allows for providing database credentials (passwords) with special characters.

Our usecase is that we run Kratos and keto in AWS ECS which provides databasae credentials via a secret stored in secret manager. This password is autogenerated and can possibly contain illegal url characters.

I solved this by adding an entrypoint script which encodes the password before sending it to kratos/keto. but imo the encoding should be handled by kratos/keto. I'd prefer to specify database name, password, username etc. as seperate env vars.

url_encode() (
        cat -
        printf x
    [ -n "$*" ] || string=${string%x}
    # Zero index, + 1 to start from 1 since sed starts from 1
    lines=$(($(printf %s "$string" | wc -l) + 1))
    while [ $lineno -le $lines ]; do
        currline=$(printf %s "$string" | sed "${lineno}q;d")
        chars=$(printf %s "$currline" | wc -c)
        while [ $pos -le "$chars" ]; do
            c=$(printf %s "$currline" | cut -b$pos)
            case $c in
            [-_.~a-zA-Z0-9]) printf %c "$c" ;;
            *) printf %%%02X "'${c:-\n}'" ;;
            pos=$((pos + 1))
        [ $lineno -eq $lines ] || printf %%0A
        lineno=$((lineno + 1))

DSN="postgres://$DATABASE_USERNAME:$(url_encode "$DATABASE_PASSWORD")@$DATABASE_HOST:$DATABASE_PORT/$DATABASE_NAME?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=$(url_encode "/home/ory/.postgresql/root.crt")"
export DSN
/usr/bin/keto "$@"