ory / oathkeeper

A cloud native Identity & Access Proxy / API (IAP) and Access Control Decision API that authenticates, authorizes, and mutates incoming HTTP(s) requests. Inspired by the BeyondCorp / Zero Trust white paper. Written in Go.
Apache License 2.0
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feat: match_json_field in remote_json authorizer (#1164) #1170

Open jaspeen opened 1 month ago

jaspeen commented 1 month ago

Implements response content match in remote_json authorizer as described in rfc #1169

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Further Comments

CLAassistant commented 1 month ago

CLA assistant check
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jaspeen commented 1 week ago

@aeneasr Thank's for your review. I understand your concerns and agree that degree of freedom in such things should be minimal but please look from the user(sre/devops) perspective. Some external ready-to-go authorizers don't return HTTP 403 and they require some sort of glue to be integrated into an oathkeeper pipeline. And such kind of dynamic integration glue should be executed somewhere - in oathkleeper itself or custom integration service which then return 403. From my point of view another integration service may increase chance of error or misconfiguration.

I also understand why RP's like envoy or nginx don't bother with authorization response checks - they focused on other things. But for oathkeeper as auth decision engine i see it quite natural.

We can minimize flexibility of this and just check a top level boolean JSON field with specified name in response - e.g. "allow_json_field": "allowed". It will cover both mentioned external authorizer cases. and will explicitly declare that authorization passes if and only if response is successfull and field allowed has value true.

What do you think?

aeneasr commented 6 days ago

To be honest, I'm undecided on this topic.

To me, right now, allow_json_field seems like a solution specific to one or two providers that probably isn't applicable for a big enough chunk (assuming that we might also get other fields returned like a scope or whatever).

jaspeen commented 4 days ago

currently no real request transformation in the authn / authz

Not exactly. We have a request payload transformation using jsonnet for remote_json. But my point is actually that this is not a transformation but matching. Here we already doing kind of a matching of remote authorizer HTTP status with 200 and this is going to be an enhanced version of response matching.

Regarding more 'general' solution for matching i think JSON will cover most of the cases with modern software which accessible via HTTP REST (gRPC and so on are currently out of scope anyway for all rules). And we can also use jsonnet for sophisticated multifield matching. Since i see already a lot of expression in gotemplate and jsonnet so i think adding another one is not the best idea.

Anyway when you get any certain idea how to do this properly i will be glad to adopt this solution.