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expanded_permission_tree.rb issue #244

Closed EvanDaley closed 1 year ago

EvanDaley commented 1 year ago

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

I've got the ruby gem running locally in a rails project and I'm hitting the latest version of the keto docker container.

When I call check_permission_with_http_info I get back a response in this format:


That gets deserialized by this class: ory-client-1.1.4/lib/ory-client/models/expanded_permission_tree.rb

However, that class tries to read tuples and not subject_set.

Replacing the word tuple with subject set across that file allows me to actually access the data.

I can PR a fix for this, but I'm not sure what that process looks like. Let me know 🙏

Reproducing the bug

Spin up the keto docker image from the quickstart: https://www.ory.sh/docs/keto/quickstart

Point your local keto gem at that image by overriding the url in configuration.rb server_settings (we also need to expose a way to configure that, but thats a separate issue):


Then try to hit that endpoint. Example rake task:

# frozen_string_literal: true
namespace :ory do

  namespace :keto do
    task expand_permissions: :environment do
      ory_permission_client = OryClient::PermissionApi.new
      result = ory_permission_client.expand_permissions(
          max_depth: 10

      puts JSON.pretty_generate result.to_body

Without the fix, you'll see the relationship structure, without any useful tuple or subject set data. It'll look like:


Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?


Additional Context

No response

EvanDaley commented 1 year ago

Actually, after digging into it a bit more, it looks like the issue was because I was using the quickstart tutorial keto image and not the latest (oryd/keto:v0.7.0-alpha.1-sqlite vs v0.10.0-alpha.0).

aeneasr commented 1 year ago
