orzih / mkdocs-with-pdf

Generate a single PDF file from MkDocs repository.
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Reduce PDF size #84

Open hmsdoc opened 3 years ago

hmsdoc commented 3 years ago

Compared to the mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin I've noticed that the mkdocs-with-pdf plugin generates much larger PDF files. In my test project (which consists of over 170 pages in size A4) this resulted in a file that was about 3 times the size.

Is there any way to control the PDF output size? Maybe by allowing to reduce the image size (different compression settings) via a configuration parameter?

SusanneKrause commented 2 years ago

Same here. PDF size generated with VS Code Extension: 4.2 MB PDF size generated with mkdocs-with-pdf: 16.9 MB

Would be great to have the possibility to reduce the file size.

pohlt commented 2 years ago

Do you include images multiple times (like logos in the header / footer)? Depending on how they are handled, they might be included multiple times in the resulting PDF which could result in this size difference.

hmsdoc commented 1 year ago

@pohlt: No, the images used are all different. Header and footer consist of text only.