Open erikerlandson opened 2 years ago
cc @HumairAK @caldeirav
# This runs the following section as root; if adding to an existing Dockerfile, set the user back to whatever you need.
USER root
# This is the directory files will be mounted to, mirroring how pipelines are run.
RUN mkdir -p /pfs
# If you are not using "jovyan" as your notebook user, replace the user here.
RUN chown $NB_USER /pfs
# Fuse is a requirement for the mount extension
RUN apt-get clean && RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install curl fuse
# Install Pachctl - Set the version of Pachctl that matches your cluster deployment.
RUN curl -f -o pachctl.deb -L${PACHCTL_VERSION}/pachctl_${PACHCTL_VERSION}_amd64.deb
RUN dpkg -i pachctl.deb
# This sets the user back to the notebook user account (i.e., Jovyan)
# Replace the version here with the version of the extension you would like to install from
RUN pip install jupyterlab-pachyderm==<version>
Currently there is an issue with fuse
requiring container to run as root:
Is this issue now satisfied by ?
No but the plugin is not a big priority for us right now since we are already using the primary function of pachyderm through the Python APIs anyway.
As usual, there seems to be a disheartening amount of "assume ability to run container as root user" in the instructions