os-js / OS.js

OS.js - JavaScript Web Desktop Platform
6.87k stars 819 forks source link

Menu doesnt open just a dot appears on click #162

Closed ta3pks closed 8 years ago

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

Edit by @andersevenrud: After lots of debugging we have noticed this only occurs on Chrome in Mint Linux on his computer. I have failed to replicate this on all of my computers and browsers -- which makes this soooo strange!

Edit It now also happens in Firefox after he was messing around a bit wtf

Edit After clearing the LocalStorage (settings in demo handler), it works fine. I suspect this might have something to do with the settings-filter I made for "hidden" applications....

Leaving this open until I retire it simply because I cannot replicate

screenshot from 2015-10-15 18 29 08 when i click the menu just a white dot appears that u see in the photo nothing happens

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

This is a symptom of missing package manifest. If you followed the installation docs this should ideally not happen.

Try to run grunt manifest to re-create it (and then reload the client in your browser). If it does not work let me know so I can give further instructions on how to debug this problem

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2015-10-15 18 44 39 the same still i restarted server as well and restarted the client nothing seems changed

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

In the browser, open the Developer Console and enter this:


You should see something like this:

    "ApplicationAbout": {
        "className": "ApplicationAbout",
        "name": "Om OS.js",
        "description": "Om OS.js",
        "names": {
            "no_NO": "Om OS.js",
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            "de_DE": "Über OS.js",
            "ru_RU": "Об OS.js",
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            "ru_RU": "Об OS.js",
            "nl_NL": "Over OS.js",
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                "type": "stylesheet",
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        "type": "application",
        "path": "default/Calculator",
        "build": {},
        "description": "Kalkulator",
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        "className": "ApplicationFileManager",
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            "nl_NL": "Standaard bestands beheerder",
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        "mime": null,
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                "src": "/packages/default/FileManager/combined.css"
        "type": "application",
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    "ApplicationFirefoxMarketplace": {
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        "description": "Firefox Marketplace",
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        "icon": "./icon.png",
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                "type": "javascript",
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                "src": "/packages/default/FirefoxMarketplace/combined.css"
        "type": "application",
        "path": "default/FirefoxMarketplace",
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        "scope": "system"
    "ApplicationMusicPlayer": {
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        "name": "Musikkspiller",
        "names": {
            "no_NO": "Musikkspiller",
            "pl_PL": "Odtwarzacz muzyki",
            "de_DE": "Musikspieler",
            "ru_RU": "Аудиоплеер",
            "nl_NL": "Audio speler",
            "vi_VN": "Nghe nhạc"
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                "src": "/packages/default/MusicPlayer/combined.css"
        "type": "application",
        "path": "default/MusicPlayer",
        "build": {},
        "description": "Musikkspiller",
        "scope": "system"
    "ApplicationPreview": {
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        "name": "Forhåndsviser",
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        "names": {
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            "pl_PL": "Podgląd",
            "de_DE": "Vorschau",
            "ru_RU": "Просмотрщик",
            "nl_NL": "Foto viewer",
            "vi_VN": "Trình xem ảnh"
        "descriptions": {
            "no_NO": "Forhåndsvisning av bilde-filer",
            "pl_PL": "Podgląd zdjęć",
            "de_DE": "Bildervorschau",
            "ru_RU": "Просмотрщик изображений",
            "nl_NL": "Foto viewer",
            "vi_VN": "Trình xem ảnh"
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        "type": "application",
        "path": "default/Preview",
        "build": {},
        "scope": "system"
    "ApplicationProcessViewer": {
        "className": "ApplicationProcessViewer",
        "name": "Prosess oversikt",
        "description": "Se oversikt over kjørende prosesser",
        "names": {
            "no_NO": "Prosess oversikt",
            "pl_PL": "Procesy",
            "de_DE": "Prozess-Manager",
            "ru_RU": "Менеджер процессов",
            "nl_NL": "Proces manager",
            "vi_VN": "Xem tiến trình"
        "descriptions": {
            "no_NO": "Se oversikt over kjørende prosesser",
            "pl_PL": "Zobacz działające procesy",
            "de_DE": "Laufende Prozesse verwalten",
            "ru_RU": "Менеджер запущенных процессов",
            "nl_NL": "Bekijk de lopende processen",
            "vi_VN": "Xem các tiến trình đang chạy"
        "singular": true,
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        "category": "system",
        "icon": "apps/gnome-monitor.png",
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                "src": "/packages/default/ProcessViewer/combined.css"
        "type": "application",
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    "ApplicationSettings": {
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            "nl_NL": "Instellingen",
            "vi_VN": "Cài đặt"
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        "description": "Instillinger",
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    "ApplicationTextpad": {
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        "name": "Tekstblokk",
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            "no_NO": "Tekstblokk",
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            "ru_RU": "Простой текстовый редактор",
            "nl_NL": "Eenvoudige Tekstverwerker",
            "vi_VN": "Trình sửa văn bản đơn giản"
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            "no_NO": "Writer",
            "pl_PL": "Writer",
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            "vi_VN": "Viết"
        "descriptions": {
            "no_NO": "Skriv riktekst dokumenter",
            "pl_PL": "Twórz dokumenty rich text",
            "de_DE": "Verfassen Sie Rich-Text-Dokumente",
            "ru_RU": "Текстовый процессор",
            "nl_NL": "Tekst verwerker met opmaak",
            "vi_VN": "Xem, chỉnh sửa văn bản"
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        "type": "application",
        "path": "default/Writer",
        "build": {},
        "scope": "system"
ta3pks commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2015-10-15 18 51 01 {

    "ApplicationAbout": {
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        "names": {
            "no_NO": "Tekstblokk",
            "pl_PL": "Notatnik",
            "de_DE": "Texteditor",
            "ru_RU": "Редактор текста",
            "nl_NL": "Notities",
            "vi_VN": "Trình sửa văn bản"
        "descriptions": {
            "no_NO": "Simpel tekst redigering",
            "pl_PL": "Prosty edytor tekstu",
            "de_DE": "Einfacher Texteditor",
            "ru_RU": "Простой текстовый редактор",
            "nl_NL": "Eenvoudige Tekstverwerker",
            "vi_VN": "Trình sửa văn bản đơn giản"
        "mime": [
        "category": "utilities",
        "icon": "apps/accessories-text-editor.png",
        "preload": [
                "type": "javascript",
                "src": "/packages/default/Textpad/combined.js"
                "type": "stylesheet",
                "src": "/packages/default/Textpad/combined.css"
        "type": "application",
        "path": "default/Textpad",
        "build": {},
        "scope": "system"
    "ApplicationWriter": {
        "className": "ApplicationWriter",
        "name": "Writer",
        "description": "Write rich text documents",
        "names": {
            "no_NO": "Writer",
            "pl_PL": "Writer",
            "de_DE": "Writer",
            "ru_RU": "Текстовый процессор",
            "nl_NL": "Tekstverwerker",
            "vi_VN": "Viết"
        "descriptions": {
            "no_NO": "Skriv riktekst dokumenter",
            "pl_PL": "Twórz dokumenty rich text",
            "de_DE": "Verfassen Sie Rich-Text-Dokumente",
            "ru_RU": "Текстовый процессор",
            "nl_NL": "Tekst verwerker met opmaak",
            "vi_VN": "Xem, chỉnh sửa văn bản"
        "mime": [
        "category": "office",
        "icon": "apps/libreoffice34-writer.png",
        "compability": [
        "preload": [
                "type": "javascript",
                "src": "/packages/default/Writer/combined.js"
                "type": "stylesheet",
                "src": "/packages/default/Writer/combined.css"
        "type": "application",
        "path": "default/Writer",
        "build": {},
        "scope": "system"
andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

So that means the packages and manifest is actually loaded. Hmm.

Were there any errors in the console ? Or the "Network" tab ?

I just did a fresh installation and I cannot replicate it. What browser re you using ?

Try running the developer server: ./bin/start-node-dev.sh (allthough it should not make any difference... but hey, worth trying. That will narrow it down)

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2015-10-15 18 58 31 screenshot from 2015-10-15 18 58 24

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

i am running on google chrome latest stable

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

same for development server

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

The 404s you get there are totally normal.

I also run latest Chrome stable. I even tested this on OSX and Windows (IE included) now... and I cannot replicate... which is strange -- and worries me a bit.

In src/packages/default/CoreWM/menu.js -- Line 228:

Set a breakpoint (if you know how to use the debugger) or simply add this after this line:

var list = doBuildCategoryMenu(ev); // <- 228
console.warn('MENU RESULT', list);

Then reload page (use the developer server so you don't have to rebuild anything) and click the menu.

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2015-10-15 19 07 33 screenshot from 2015-10-15 19 07 21

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

Inspect the list and see what you get. If you set a breakpoint on the next line (or just step one instruction forward), you should get something like:


ta3pks commented 8 years ago

it returns an empty object

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2015-10-15 19 14 33

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

I see. Try to put this in the console: OSjs.Core.getPackageManager().getPackages();

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2015-10-15 19 19 14 empty object

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

Aha. So we have narrowed it down to that spesific method (src/client/javascript/package-manager.js).

Just for fun, try running: OSjs.Core.getPackageManager().getPackages(true);. This should return the metadata we saw earlier.

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2015-10-15 19 26 34 still empty :)

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

Wow... This is strange.

Search for PackageManager::_addPackages() in the browser console output. This line should display what pacakages it was trying to add (almost in the beginning of output. This only works with dev server since it includes console messages)


ta3pks commented 8 years ago

which output we are talking about ? output of OSjs.Core.getPackageManager().getPackages(true) is empty

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

By "output" I mean the javascript console.

Reload OS.js in the browser, then open the console, CTRL+F to search the console messages.

Search for PackageManager::_addPackages()

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2015-10-15 19 41 03also empty

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

That's not the correct line. Here is a bigger screenshot with annotation to illustrate:

Big Screenshot

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

screenshot from 2015-10-15 19 47 28

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

So, it actually loads the manifest and the package manager recieves them just fine. So the problem must be this function.... which don't makes sense to me. This has always worked!

On line 298 in src/client/javascript/package-manager.js, insert this:

 295       newIter.scope = scope || 'system';
 296       newIter.type  = newIter.type || 'application';
 298       console.warn('ADDING PACKAGE', i, newIter); // <- add this
 300       self.packages[i] = newIter;
andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

I have to leave for ~1hr. Will come back to you as soon as I get back!

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

okay im here i hope well fix this i ses here do build categody menu returns a function which must return the list i guess but doesnt

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

Did you get any logs in the console after adding that ?

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

nope aactually i didnt have so much time to dig inside code so much is there a documantation for developers ?

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

You didn't? Then that function is broken somehow!

Client API: http://os.js.org/doc/client/ Server API: http://os.js.org/doc/server/

Some manuals: http://os.js.org/doc/manuals/ Some tutorials: http://os.js.org/doc/tutorials/

If you feel like something is missing... let me know and I'll try my best to make some new documents. I-ve not had much time to write stuff like this... so it's a bit lacking at the moment

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

nope aactually i didnt have so much time to dig inside code so much

Or did you mean that you did not do what I commented on ? Having a rough time reading some of your sentences since they lack punctuation -- and English is not my mother language :)

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

i am not native in english either :) i added you on facebook

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

My personal Facebook profile is private, so you most likely added my Facebook Developer Account, which I don't use :)

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

:D well i have vkontakte as well if you have

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

Not much into social media, but if you send me a mail or something with your FB profile I can add you :)

ta3pks commented 8 years ago

nikos.efthias@gmail.com is my mail address you can search in fb by this

andersevenrud commented 8 years ago

I'm closing this for now. No more reports of this has come in, and I have deployed OS.js on countless systems without getting it myself -- so I am going to assume this was a cahcing issue (as we discussed).

Thanks for your effort in resolving this though :)