Please report this if you think this is a bug. Include a brief description on how the error occured, and if you can; how to replicate it
TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined
at cb (http://lininoti.local/osjs.js:2143:15)
at DialogWindow.closeCallback (http://lininoti.local/osjs.js:3913:16)
at DialogWindow.onClose (http://lininoti.local/osjs.js:3948:10)
at DialogWindow._close (http://lininoti.local/osjs.js:3952:12)
at Window._onWindowButtonClick (http://lininoti.local/osjs.js:3785:12)
at HTMLElement.<anonymous> (http://lininoti.local/osjs.js:3048:16)
at HTMLElement.cbNormal (http://lininoti.local/osjs.js:1079:18)
An unexpected error occured, maybe a bug.