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Change default icon theme #766

Closed tansiret closed 1 year ago

tansiret commented 3 years ago

I think that the default icon theme shouldn't be the Gnome ones anymore. It doesn't match the default theme and is very outdated. I would suggest using a custom (purple-based rather than blue) papirus instead.

hello-smile6 commented 3 years ago

What about using the MacOS Big Sur icons? They're pretty much universal.

andersevenrud commented 3 years ago

@hello-smile6 Not sure that's possible due to licensing, copyright, etc.

tansiret commented 3 years ago

@hello-smile6 also don't underestimate the FOSS community. There are bunch of cool and public icon themes out there which make MacOS look obsolete.

tansiret commented 3 years ago

I have a noob attempt at this repo: https://github.com/mercode-org/osjs-papirus-icons

Need to convert all to 48x48 png as os.js client doesn't support svg yet.

vkuehn commented 2 years ago

@yutyo your link should probably be https://github.com/mercode-org/papirus-mer-icon-theme

apart from that. Yes in the moment it looks all ugly but the idea is nice. Synologies Diskstation has a nice one but also a license issue.

why not having a more exotic solution where things are 3d like in the three js examples ?

andersevenrud commented 1 year ago

Closing because issue went stale.