os-threat / os-intel

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Get Phishing.Database feed working #4

Closed andrewgin closed 1 year ago

andrewgin commented 1 year ago

os-intel - main.py ingests observables and inserts them into a database Feeds - a collection of feeds feed is a daily chunk of data

test_feed.py - how to push data into the data One feed object for each of the files

Tasks pull the source transform the data into a feeds object push into the feeds database can you query what was ingested?

but it needs to be done via pip

feed loader need to keep track of what is new and what is removed; need to do a diff to keep our db in sync with the feed contents

Make sure what is there is robust, refactor

start off with os-intel/demo/local/phishing-database

ingest feed without error; insert and retrieve everything from https://github.com/mitchellkrogza/Phishing.Database

perhaps make each individual feed a pip package