osCommerce / osCommerce-V4

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Error (#2) An internal server error occurred. #34

Closed jlpitalua closed 1 year ago

jlpitalua commented 1 year ago

Hola buenas tardes

Estoy instalando oscommerce 4 y ya se instalo, pero al momento de entar a la sección del adminstrador me envia mensaje de error:

Hello, good afternoon

I am installing oscommerce 4 and it is already installed, but when I enter the administrator section it sends me an error message:

Error (#2) An internal server error occurred. The above error occurred while the Web server was processing your request.

Please contact us if you think this is a server error. Thank you.

Que puedo hacer para solucionarlo?' Agradezco mucho su compresión y apoyo

What can I do to fix it?' I really appreciate your understanding and support.

faisalhardianysyah commented 1 year ago

i have some problem

faisalhardianysyah commented 1 year ago

I have found a way to solve this problem, please upload php maileir to your hosting, the php file is attached PHPMailer-master.zip

1KShea commented 1 year ago

I have found a way to solve this problem, please upload php maileir to your hosting, the php file is attached PHPMailer-master.zip

What OScV4 dir is this to be placed in?

pan-oscom commented 1 year ago

It seems your default email handler into php.ini is not configured correctly. Since 56860 update that problem does not crash the page.