osTicket / osTicket-plugins

Core plugins for osTicket (v1.8+)
GNU General Public License v2.0
148 stars 162 forks source link

Making Phar file #48

Open mariotacke opened 10 years ago

mariotacke commented 10 years ago

I'm having trouble creating a phar file from the repo through the make.php. It does not get created at all. What are the requirements to build the project?

mariotacke commented 10 years ago

This is my command line: D:\inetpub\wwwroot\help\upload\include\plugins>"C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.3\php" make.php hydrate Hydrating :: lib/pear-pear.php.net/Net_LDAP2 => auth-ldap/include

it executes but does not build a file. What am I missing?

greezybacon commented 10 years ago

You did not ask it to build a phar file. Use make.php -h to get help output

$ php make.php build auth-ldap

Will build the PHAR file ($ represents the CLI prompt and does not need to be typed)

bunkobugsy commented 9 years ago

specify Crowdin API key to integrate language files..... what next?

greezybacon commented 9 years ago

If you absolutely have to edit a language pack, you'll need to download one from osticket.com/download, unpack it, modify it, and pack it back up. The Crowdin API key is private

3coma3 commented 8 years ago

I'm having the same problem. As per README.md:

Building Plugins

Make any necessary additions or edits to plugins and build PHAR files with the make.php command

php -dphar.readonly=0 make.php build <plugin-folder>


plugins$ ls .
auth-cas       auth-ldap       auth-oauth     composer.json  composer.phar  lib      make.php   storage-fs  updates.pem
auth-cas.phar  auth-ldap.phar  auth-passthru  composer.lock  doc            LICENSE  README.md  storage-s3
plugins$ php -dphar.readonly=0 make.php build auth-ldap
Specify Crowdin API key to integrate language file

Is it feasible to build the plugins as synced from this repository?

greezybacon commented 8 years ago

@guampa after that command, you should have an updated auth-ldap.phar. Just copy it into the osticket installation. include/plugins/ folder

3coma3 commented 8 years ago

@greezybacon thanks for the prompt response. I wrongly assumed this message was a showstopper. Turns out it's only information, thanks, I see the .phar are being generated.