Closed digidigital closed 1 month ago
The merged fix was correct; we simply need to update the documentation. Thanks for the notice.
Just to note, you can assign both an Agent and a Team to a single Ticket/Task. It’s been like that for a long time.
This is now updated in the official public documentation. If you still see the old wording you may need to clear all cache/cookies/sessions and/or hard reload the browser.
The alerts guide has this description for "New Internal Activity Alert":
further down..
Please note the "or".
As I understand it, this means that only the assigned agent receives an alert, except in cases where no agent is assigned but a team is. Then the team is alerted.
According to this pull request the description in the guide may have matched the code in earlier versions (1.7.x) before it was "fixed" ->
At least in v1.18.1 the function onActivity works differently since "elseif ($team = $this->getTeam())" was changed to "if ($team = $this->getTeam())"
Use case
Variant A:
Expected behavior: Only Agent A is notified about the closed task
Actual behavior: Agent A and all members of "Servicedesk" are notified
Variant B:
Expected and actual behavior:
Suggested Solution(s)
Maybe related to ? first I was a bit surprised that a ticket can be assigned to a team and an agent at the same time since the drop down in the "new ticket" form explicitly asks for an "agent or a team"
v 1.8.1