Trying to convert my application to use your package to send error message to a team's channel. I ran into the following message while trying to test my configuration in artisan tinker.
DEPRECATED Creation of dynamic property Osama\LaravelTeamsNotification\Logging\TeamsLoggerHandler::$teamsNotification is deprecated in vendor/osa-eg/laravel-teams-notification/src/Logging/TeamsLoggerHandler.php on line 19.
Adding protected $teamsNotification; after public $url; to the TeamsLoggerHandler class makes this warning go away.
Trying to convert my application to use your package to send error message to a team's channel. I ran into the following message while trying to test my configuration in artisan tinker.
protected $teamsNotification;
afterpublic $url;
to the TeamsLoggerHandler class makes this warning go away.PHP: 8.2.23 laravel/framework: 9.52