osam-cologne / archlinux-proaudio

Actively maintained binary package repo for Arch Linux of free and open source pro-audio software.
The Unlicense
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Wishlist for packages #3

Open diovudau opened 2 years ago

diovudau commented 2 years ago

Here are wishes and ideas of what to software to package. Inclusion in this list does not mean any obligation or timeline of a package actually happening. There is no order or priority to this list. Entries must not be already in the official arch binary repositories.

Many of the programs here may have upstream problem that prevent proper packaging, hence they are not already binary packages. In this case they are either "will not happen" or need communication and fixes with upstream.


(Last update: 2023-11-27, removed done items, removed bass-studio, added new ones from comments up until today)

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1046103072:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1046110529:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1086416148:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1180772375:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1261562656:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1311899614:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1326902571

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1407816233:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1537186422:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1547846239:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1595219185:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1663140087:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1664392899:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1666745636:

From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1690025560:



From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1343168678:


From https://github.com/osam-cologne/archlinux-proaudio/issues/3#issuecomment-1494248884:

SpotlightKid commented 2 years ago

midiPolyphony is part of the pizmidi collection, which needs the VST2 headers to compile. These headers are only available in the AUR right now from the package vst2sdk, which builds from an old copy of the VST3 SDK, which still has the VST 2 headers. It downloads this old copy from web.archive.org/. This is not reliable.

Apart from that. I don't think we are allowed to distribute binaries compiled using these headers if we're not licensees of Steinberg,

diovudau commented 2 years ago

A personal list of software for "review later". I figure it is more useful to have them here instead in my private offline notebook. I mostly read the first paragraph of their github readme and glanced at the "LICENSE".

cbix commented 2 years ago

Regarding VST2 maybe we could discuss in a separate issue thread (or in chat) about solutions like using the VeSTige headers. Interesting article.

Maintaining my personal wish list here (WIP and Done removed):

SpotlightKid commented 2 years ago


AUR package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/midieditor


AUR package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/midimonster


Has no release, so can only be packaged a a VCS package in AUR (which it already is).

thisven commented 2 years ago
* klick https://github.com/dsacre/klick | [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/klick-git) (VCS pkg)

I'm using klick2ardour.py, a Python script that reads klick tempo maps and writes them to Ardour session files, and already had contact with the author.

I'll investigate on that.

SpotlightKid commented 2 years ago

I'll investigate on that [klick].

I already started on this but then stopped because creating an up-to-date patch wasn't as easy as I initially thought: #11

Feel free to take over the PR.

diovudau commented 2 years ago

I think we should refrain from trying to fix non-working software with patches. If upstream can't be build and packaged properly we should either create a working fork individually, technically independent of our packaging project, and define this as "upstream"

cbix commented 2 years ago

A popular way to deal with this is

  1. package with necessary patches
  2. post patches to upstream (email/PR), link to the PR in a PKGBUILD comment
  3. talk to the upstream dev/maintainer and have them tag a stable release including the patches
  4. eventually remove patches from package

(3) can be the hardest task if devs don't respond but we should at least try before opening a fork :)

SpotlightKid commented 2 years ago
thisven commented 2 years ago

To be able to compile GlassCoder (#51) with support for all audio sources, we might package HPI drivers.

cbix commented 2 years ago

rtcqs now has a release, but no build system. It's just 3 python scripts, would it make sense to add a small setuptools definition for this?

diovudau commented 2 years ago

rtcqs now has a release, but no build system. It's just 3 python scripts, would it make sense to add a small setuptools definition for this?

Make it and submit it as pull request upstream?

cbix commented 2 years ago

Make it and submit it as pull request upstream?

Yep, will look into it. I'm not that experienced with python but maybe that's a good practice :)

SpotlightKid commented 2 years ago


diovudau commented 2 years ago

More software.

SpotlightKid commented 2 years ago

CHOW effects:

SpotlightKid commented 2 years ago
SpotlightKid commented 2 years ago
SpotlightKid commented 1 year ago
diovudau commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/kosua20/MIDIVisualizer (in AUR) https://github.com/GuitarML/SmartGuitarAmp (in AUR as smartamp) https://github.com/GuitarML/SmartGuitarPedal (in AUR as smartpedal)

SpotlightKid commented 1 year ago
derkrasseleo commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to add MXTune? https://github.com/liuanlin-mx/MXTune

SpotlightKid commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to add MXTune? liuanlin-mx/MXTune

Probably. It would help greatly, if you could tell us the exact commands to build the plugin on Arch Linux using the system-installed versions of the needed libraries (JUCE, VSTSDK, soundtouch, aubio). and any additional information that you have. See our Github issue template.

diovudau commented 1 year ago

Aeolus as JUCE Plugin with some useful and convenient editions.

https://archie3d.github.io/aeolus_plugin/ https://github.com/Archie3d/aeolus_plugin

SpotlightKid commented 1 year ago
cbix commented 1 year ago


diovudau commented 1 year ago

simplescreenrecorder apparently was moved from Community to AUR. That should find a home here.

SpotlightKid commented 1 year ago

(Already in extra now).

diovudau commented 1 year ago
nyabinary commented 1 year ago

Zrythm AUR

SpotlightKid commented 1 year ago
thisven commented 1 year ago
thisven commented 1 year ago

From the current status section:

Zrythm is currently in beta. The project format is stable and we are working towards a v1 release.

I'd consider packaging when v1 becomes stable.

SpotlightKid commented 1 year ago
jujudusud commented 1 year ago

Just because I need it and it is better in binary package:

SpotlightKid commented 1 year ago

Just because I need it and it is better in binary package:

* [FreeMajor](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/freemajor) - Editor for the TC Electronic G-Major guitar effect module


SpotlightKid commented 1 year ago


The source repo vanished :disappointed:

SpotlightKid commented 5 months ago

Would it be possible to add MXTune? liuanlin-mx/MXTune

Probably. It would help greatly, if you could tell us the exact commands to build the plugin on Arch Linux using the system-installed versions of the needed libraries (JUCE, VSTSDK, soundtouch, aubio). and any additional information that you have. See our Github issue template.


I finally checked this now, but, sorry, we can't package this, since it needs the Steinberg VST2 SDK, which can't be safely redistributed and packaged anymore for legal reasons.

derkrasseleo commented 5 months ago

I finally checked this now, but, sorry, we can't package this, since it needs the Steinberg VST2 SDK, which can't be safely redistributed and packaged anymore for legal reasons.

That's unfortunate, on first glance it seems like the Steinberg SDK is not only used for builds but also for the plugin itself, so it is also not possible to only provide lv2 builds for example?

SpotlightKid commented 5 months ago

The version of JUCE the plugin uses does no support LV2 (or CLAP).

derkrasseleo commented 5 months ago

As I can't even get it to build with python 3.12 because of this issue, I think it's at least worth waiting

SpotlightKid commented 5 months ago

Waiting for what? aubio is not the problem.

derkrasseleo commented 5 months ago

Waiting for what? aubio is not the problem.

I assumed it was aubio because I got this error while trying to run /build_linux.sh:

  File "/home/leo/Documents/git/MXTune/third_party/build/aubio-0.4.9/waflib/Context.py", line 5, in <module>
    import os,re,imp,sys
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'
SpotlightKid commented 5 months ago

To make it clear: unless upstream MXTune updates JUCE and get's rid of the VST2 SDK dependency we're not going to package it.

SpotlightKid commented 3 months ago
jujudusud commented 3 weeks ago

Anyone knows ZL-Audio?

thisven commented 3 weeks ago

Not yet, but looks quite interesting.

If we decide to build this plugins, I suggest we'd rather bundle all of the ZL-Audio plugins into a plugin suite.