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Open Source AADL2 Tool Environment
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Flow latency analysis uses compute execution time instead of response time #2122

Closed Etienne13 closed 4 years ago

Etienne13 commented 6 years ago


flow latency analysis uses the compute_execution_time or deadline property of a thread as a contribution to the flow latency. Using the deadline is ok, but pessimistic. Using the compute_execution_time property (corresponding to a range of BCET..WCET of the thread) can only apply when there are no interferences (e.g. preemptions) from other threads.

Could you add a response_time property (a range of time), applicable to threads, in order to account for the contribution of threads to the flow latency (and use deadline or execution time if response time is not provided).

This matter was discussed on the aadl mailing list, as well as in the AADL committee. As far as I remember, it seemed to be accepted by the committee members, and I think it would be great if it was added in the plugin.

Best regards, Etienne.

jjhugues commented 4 years ago

Actually this should be first discussed in saeaadl/aadlv2.2 as an errata

lwrage commented 4 years ago

Add property

    Response_Time: Time_Range
        applies to (thread, device, subprogram, event port, event data port);

to property set SEI. In the latency analysis wherever Compute_Execution_Time is used, try to use SEI::Response_Time, instead. If that isn't set use Compute_Execution_Time.

Update documentation.

AaronGreenhouse commented 4 years ago

Test cases: Flows go between two devices

  1. Top.Unbound does not use Compute_Execution_Time or Response_TIme
  2. Top.CET uses only Compute_Execution_Time on the devices and their ports: analysis should use Compute_Execution_Time
  3. Top.CET uses both Response_Time and Compute_Execution_Time on the devices and their ports: analysis should use Response_Time
package ResponseTime
    with SEI;

    data D1
            Data_Size => 8 Bytes;
    end D1;

    data D2
            Data_Size => 16 Bytes;
    end D2;

    data D3
            Data_Size => 24 Bytes;
    end D3;

    device Device1
            out1: out event data port D1;
            out2: out event data port D2;
            out3: out event data port D3;
            fsrc1: flow source out1 {Latency => 1ms .. 2ms;};
            fsrc2: flow source out2 {Latency => 1ms .. 2ms;};
            fsrc3: flow source out3 {Latency => 1ms .. 2ms;};
    end Device1;

    device Device2
            in1: in event data port D1;
            in2: in event data port D2;
            in3: in event data port D3;
            fsink1: flow sink in1 {Latency => 3ms .. 5ms;};
            fsink2: flow sink in2 {Latency => 3ms .. 5ms;};
            fsink3: flow sink in3 {Latency => 3ms .. 5ms;};
    end Device2;

    system Top
    end Top;

    system implementation Top.unbound
            sub1: device Device1;
            sub2: device Device2;
            conn1: feature sub1.out1 -> sub2.in1;
            conn2: feature sub1.out2 -> sub2.in2;
            conn3: feature sub1.out3 -> sub2.in3;
            etef1: end to end flow sub1.fsrc1 -> conn1 -> sub2.fsink1 {Latency => 0ms .. 500ms;};
            etef2: end to end flow sub1.fsrc2 -> conn2 -> sub2.fsink2 {Latency => 0ms .. 500ms;};
            etef3: end to end flow sub1.fsrc3 -> conn3 -> sub2.fsink3 {Latency => 0ms .. 500ms;};
    end Top.unbound;

    system implementation Top.CET extends Top.unbound
            Compute_Execution_Time => 4ms .. 10ms applies to sub1, sub2;
            Compute_Execution_Time => 1ms .. 2ms applies to sub1.out1, sub1.out2, sub1.out3;
            Compute_Execution_Time => 3ms .. 6ms applies to sub2.in1, sub2.in2, sub2.in3;
    end Top.CET;

    system implementation Top.RT extends Top.CET
            SEI::Response_Time => 8ms .. 20ms applies to sub1, sub2;
            SEI::Response_Time => 2ms .. 4ms applies to sub1.out1, sub1.out2, sub1.out3;
            SEI::Response_Time => 6ms .. 12ms applies to sub2.in1, sub2.in2, sub2.in3;
    end Top.RT;
end ResponseTime;
AaronGreenhouse commented 4 years ago

Updated FlowLatencyAnalysisSwitch.mapComponentInstance() to favor the response time property over the compute execution time.

Need to

lwrage commented 4 years ago

Make sure that the generated report and analysis result data structure show where the response time was used in the calculation instead of computation time.

AaronGreenhouse commented 4 years ago

@lwrage Yeah, I did that. It says "Response time" instead of "processing time".

AaronGreenhouse commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to fix the "versioning" issues this change creates, but it spirals out of control, and I don't think I completely believe what eclipse is telling me.

I'm going to ignore this for now.

AaronGreenhouse commented 4 years ago

Changed so that The methods I added to GetProperties are instead local private methods of FlowLatencyAnalysisSwitch. This keeps the versioning changes from going bananas.