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Open Source AADL2 Tool Environment
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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AADL/BA validation issues #2347

Open jjhugues opened 4 years ago

jjhugues commented 4 years ago

In examples/StepperMotor, there are a couple of issues when resolving elements in the BA.

Can you recommend on the possible fixes?

Etienne13 commented 4 years ago

@jjhugues can you be more specific on the location of the StepperMotor example? Did not find a StepperMotor folder in AADLib/examples

Etienne13 commented 4 years ago

OK, found it; did not get you were referring to the osate/examples repository

Etienne13 commented 4 years ago

After investigating the errors on the StepperMotor example, most of those I found were due to mistakes in the models and not in the tools. For instance:

There are however valuable issues:

I will continue investigating these problems in separated issues. However, the example model requires several fixes as well (I can start providing some if you want).

jjhugues commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Etienne, I will correct some of these. I get a bug when I correct the properties to add a #,

An internal error occurred during: "XtextReconcilerJob". String index out of range: -1

Partial trace

java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
    at java.lang.String.charAt(String.java:658)
    at org.osate.xtext.aadl2.parsing.AnnexParserAgent.consumeMessages(AnnexParserAgent.java:281)
    at org.osate.xtext.aadl2.parsing.AnnexParserAgent.processAnnexSection(AnnexParserAgent.java:217)
    at org.osate.xtext.aadl2.parsing.AnnexParserAgent.afterModelLinked(AnnexParserAgent.java:128)
    at org.eclipse.xtext.linking.impl.AbstractCleaningLinker.linkModel(AbstractCleaningLinker.java:57)
    at org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResource.doLinking(XtextResource.java:340)
    at org.eclipse.xtext.linking.lazy.LazyLinkingResource.doLinking(LazyLinkingResource.java:121)
    at org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResource.updateInternalState(XtextResource.java:301)
    at org.eclipse.xtext.resource.DerivedStateAwareResource.updateInternalState(DerivedStateAwareResource.java:170)
    at org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResource.updateInternalState(XtextResource.java:290)
    at org.eclipse.xtext.resource.DerivedStateAwareResource.updateInternalState(DerivedStateAwareResource.java:162)
    at org.eclipse.xtext.resource.XtextResource.doLoad(XtextResource.java:180)
    at org.eclipse.xtext.linking.lazy.LazyLinkingResource.doLoad(LazyLinkingResource.java:114)
    at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(ResourceImpl.java:1563)
Etienne13 commented 4 years ago

Here is my current version of the example (I know it is not a good practice to share such a big example in the issue tracker but it might help you to correct the example):

package CasePositionControl
    with Data_Model, ErrorLibrary, PCSProperties, Base_Types, SMErrorTypes;

    -- The stepper motor controls a throttle control valve. When stepper motor is at
    -- its minimum position the valve is closed. When it is at its maximum position
    -- the valve is fully open.
    data SM_Position extends Base_Types::Integer
    end SM_Position;

    data implementation SM_Position.PercentOpen

            Data_Model::Base_Type => (classifier (Base_Types::Float));
            Data_Model::Data_Representation => Fixed;
            Data_Model::Measurement_Unit => "Percent";
            Data_Model::Integer_Range => 0 .. 100;
    end SM_Position.PercentOpen;

    data implementation SM_Position.Steps
            Data_Model::Base_Type => (classifier (Base_Types::Integer));
            Data_Model::Data_Representation => Integer;
            Data_Model::Measurement_Unit => "Steps";
            Data_Model::Integer_Range => 0 .. PCSProperties::MaxPosition;
    end SM_Position.Steps;

    data SM_Position_Change
    end SM_Position_Change;

    data implementation SM_Position_Change.DataRecord
            Step_Count: data {
                Data_Model::Data_Representation => Integer;
                Data_Model::Measurement_Unit => "Steps";
                Data_Model::Integer_Range => 0 .. PCSProperties::MaxStepCount;
            Step_Direction: data {
                Data_Model::Data_Representation => Enum;
                Data_Model::Enumerators => ("Open", "Close");
            Step_Rate: data {
                Data_Model::Data_Representation => Integer;
                Data_Model::Measurement_Unit => "Steps";
                Data_Model::Integer_Range => PCSProperties::MaxStepCount .. PCSProperties::MaxStepCount;
    end SM_Position_Change.DataRecord;

    -- SMS process with position change interface
    process SMS_App_Process_SMPC
            Desired_Position: in data port SM_Position.PercentOpen;
            Commanded_Position: out event data port SM_Position_Change;
            flowpath: flow path Desired_Position -> Commanded_Position;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                Commanded_Position: out propagation {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence, TimingError, RateError};
                -- out of range for PCC and out of bounds on resulting position
                Commanded_Position: not out propagation {StepCountOutOfRange, ResultingPositionOutOfRange};
            -- on feature group vs. on the individual elements of a feature group
            end propagations;
    end SMS_App_Process_SMPC;

    -- SMS process with position cmd interface
    process SMS_App_Process_SMPos
            Desired_Position: in data port SM_Position.PercentOpen;
            Commanded_Position: out event data port SM_Position.Steps;
            flowpath: flow path Desired_Position -> Commanded_Position;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                Commanded_Position: out propagation {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence, TimingError, RateError};
                -- out of range for PCC and out of bounds on resulting position
                Commanded_Position: not out propagation {StepCountOutOfRange, ResultingPositionOutOfRange};
            -- on feature group vs. on the individual elements of a feature group
            end propagations;
    end SMS_App_Process_SMPos;

    -- original design, also used in buffered command solution
    process implementation SMS_App_Process_SMPC.original
            SM_PCS: thread SM_PCS.impl;
            SM_HM: thread Health_Monitor;
            DesiredPosCmd: port Desired_Position -> SM_PCS.Desired_Position;
            CmdedPosition: port SM_PCS.Commanded_Position -> Commanded_Position;
            flowpath: flow path Desired_Position -> DesiredPosCmd -> SM_PCS.flowpath -> CmdedPosition -> Commanded_Position;
    end SMS_App_Process_SMPC.original;

    -- fixed send time solution
    process implementation SMS_App_Process_SMPC.PCSFixedTime
            SM_PCS: thread SM_PCS.impl;
            HM_SW: thread Health_Monitor;
            DesiredPosCmd: port Desired_Position -> SM_PCS.Desired_Position;
            CmdedPosition: port SM_PCS.Commanded_Position -> Commanded_Position;
            flowpath: flow path Desired_Position -> DesiredPosCmd -> SM_PCS.flowpath -> CmdedPosition -> Commanded_Position;
            Deadline => 12ms applies to SM_PCS;
            Output_time => ([Time => Deadline; Offset => 0ns .. 0ns;]) applies to SM_PCS.Commanded_Position;
    end SMS_App_Process_SMPC.PCSFixedTime;

    -- position command alternative
    process implementation SMS_App_Process_SMPos.alternative
            SM_PCS: thread SM_PCS_Pos.impl;
            HM_SW: thread Health_Monitor;
            DesiredPosCmd: port Desired_Position -> SM_PCS.Desired_Position;
            CmdedPosition: port SM_PCS.Commanded_Position -> Commanded_Position;
            flowpath: flow path Desired_Position -> DesiredPosCmd -> SM_PCS.flowpath -> CmdedPosition -> Commanded_Position;
    end SMS_App_Process_SMPos.alternative;

    -- original position change commanding by SM_PCS
    thread SM_PCS
            Desired_Position: in data port SM_Position.PercentOpen {
                Input_Rate => [Value_Range => 0.40 .. 40.0; Rate_Unit => PerSecond;];};
            Commanded_Position: out event data port SM_Position_Change.DataRecord {
                Output_time => ([Time => Completion; Offset => 0ns .. 0ns;]);
            flowpath: flow path Desired_Position -> Commanded_Position;
            Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
            Period => PCSProperties::FrameDuration;
            Deadline => 4ms;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                -- out of bounds captures the error that the resulting position of the position change may be outside its bounds
                Commanded_Position: out propagation {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence, TimingError, RateError};
                -- out of range refers to the position change value
                Commanded_Position: not out propagation {StepCountOutOfRange, SubtleValueError, ResultingPositionOutOfRange};
                Desired_Position: in propagation {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence, OutOfRange};
                Desired_Position: not in propagation {DelayedResponse};
                -- impact of processor
                Processor: in propagation {NoService, CompletionTiming};
                    -- error sources
                    timingsrc: error source Commanded_Position {TimingError};
                    ratesrc: error source Commanded_Position {RateError};
                    -- error pass through
                    omissionpPassthrough: error path Desired_Position {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence} -> Commanded_Position;
                    -- map OutOfRange into a missing command.
                    outOfRangeHandling: error path Desired_Position {OutOfRange} -> Commanded_Position {MissingCommand};
                    resourceserviceimpact: error path processor {NoService} -> Commanded_Position {NoCommandSequence};
                    resourcetimingimpact: error path processor {CompletionTiming} -> Commanded_Position {TimingError};
            end propagations;
    end SM_PCS;

    -- SM_PCS position change implementation with detailed behavior specification
    thread implementation SM_PCS.impl
            DesiredPositionState: data SM_Position.Steps;
            CommandedPositionState: data SM_Position.Steps;
        annex Behavior_Specification {**
                distance: Base_Types::Integer;
                stepcount: Base_Types::Integer;
                Ready: initial complete state;

            Ready -[on dispatch]-> Ready {
                if ( 
                    (Desired_Position'fresh) and
                    (Desired_Position >= 0) and 
                    (Desired_Position <= #PCSProperties::MaxPercent)
                    -- convert from PercentOpen to Steps
                    DesiredPositionState := #PCSProperties::MaxPosition*Desired_Position/100   
                end if;

                distance := DesiredPositionState - CommandedPositionState ;
                if (abs(distance) > #PCSProperties::MaxStepCount)
                    stepcount := #PCSProperties::MaxStepCount
                    stepcount := abs(distance)
                end if;
                Commanded_Position.Step_Rate := #PCSProperties::MaxStepCount;
                if (distance>0){
                    Commanded_Position.Step_Direction := Open;
                    Commanded_Position.Step_Count := stepcount;
                    CommandedPositionState := CommandedPositionState + stepcount
                else {
                    Commanded_Position.Step_Direction := Close;
                    Commanded_Position.Step_Count := stepcount;
                    CommandedPositionState := CommandedPositionState - stepcount
                end if;
            }; -- end action
    end SM_PCS.impl;

    -- SM_PCS position command interface
    thread SM_PCS_Pos
            Desired_Position: in data port SM_Position.PercentOpen {
                Input_Rate => [Value_Range => 0.40 .. 40.0; Rate_Unit => PerSecond;];
            Commanded_Position: out event data port SM_Position.Steps {
                Output_time => ([Time => Completion; Offset => 0ns .. 0ns;]);
            flowpath: flow path Desired_Position -> Commanded_Position;
            Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
            Period => 25ms;
            Deadline => 4ms;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                -- out of bounds captures the error that the resulting position of the position change may be outside its bounds
                Commanded_Position: out propagation {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence, TimingError, RateError};
                -- out of range refers to the position change value
                Commanded_Position: not out propagation {StepCountOutOfRange, SubtleValueError, ResultingPositionOutOfRange};
                Desired_Position: in propagation {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence, OutOfRange};
                Desired_Position: not in propagation {DelayedResponse};

                -- impact of processor
                Processor: in propagation {NoService, CompletionTiming};
                    omissionpPassthrough: error path Desired_Position {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence} -> Commanded_Position;
                    -- (detect and) transform OutOfRange into an ignored command (MissingCommand).
                    outOfRangeHandling: error path Desired_Position {OutOfRange} -> Commanded_Position {MissingCommand};
                    timingsrc: error source Commanded_Position {TimingError};
                    ratesrc: error source Commanded_Position {RateError};
                    resourceserviceimpact: error path processor {NoService} -> Commanded_Position {NoCommandSequence};
                    resourcetimingimpact: error path processor {CompletionTiming} -> Commanded_Position {TimingError};
            end propagations;
    end SM_PCS_Pos;

    -- SM_PCS position command implementation with detailed ior specification
    thread implementation SM_PCS_Pos.impl
            DesiredPositionState: data SM_Position.Steps;
    annex Behavior_Specification {**
        Ready: initial complete state;
        Ready -[on dispatch ]-> Ready {
            if ((Desired_Position'fresh) and  (Desired_Position >= 0)  and (Desired_Position <= #PCSProperties::MaxPercent))
                    DesiredPositionState := #PCSProperties::MaxPosition*Desired_Position/100
            end if;
    end SM_PCS_Pos.impl;

    thread Health_Monitor
            Dispatch_Protocol => Periodic;
            Period => 1ms;
    end Health_Monitor;

    device SM_ACT
        -- it responds to commands from SM_PCS and to completion of a step
            -- logical interface
            Commanded_Position: in event data port SM_Position_Change {
                Queue_Size => 0;
                Overflow_Handling_Protocol => Error;
            SM_Command_Signals: feature group inverse of SM_Command_Signals;
            -- physical interface
            DMA: requires bus access Device_Bus;
            Power: requires bus access Power_Supply.Volt12;
            flowpath: flow path Commanded_Position -> SM_Command_Signals {Latency => 1ms .. 1ms;};
            Dispatch_Protocol => Aperiodic;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                Commanded_Position: in propagation {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence, TimingError, RateError};
                -- out of range for PCC and out of bounds on resulting position
                Commanded_Position: not in propagation {StepCountOutOfRange, ResultingPositionOutOfRange};
                -- on feature group vs. on the individual elements of a feature group
                SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd: out propagation {MissingStepCommand, NoCommandSequence, SlowResponse};
                SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd: not out propagation {DelayedResponse};
                SM_Command_Signals.Step_Completion: not in propagation {CompletionSignalOmission};

                Power: in propagation {NoService};

                    omissionPath1: error path Commanded_Position {MissingCommand,
                        NoCommandSequence} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {MissedStep};

                    LateDeliveryImpact: error path Commanded_Position {LateDelivery} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {SlowResponse};
                    EarlyDeliveryImpact: error path Commanded_Position {EarlyDelivery} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {MissingStepCommand};
                    -- try to do it once for the feature group
                    rateimpacthi: error path Commanded_Position {HighRate} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {MissingStepCommand};
                    rateimpactlo: error path Commanded_Position {LowRate} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {SlowResponse};

                    mechanicalFailure: error source SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {NoCommandSequence} when {ActuatorFailure};
                    nopowerflow: error path power -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {NoCommandSequence};
            end propagations;
    end SM_ACT;

    device implementation SM_ACT.impl
            StepsToDo: data SM_Position_Change.DataRecord;
        annex Behavior_Specification {**
            Ready: initial state;
            WaitOnStep: complete state;
            Decide: state;
            Ready -[on dispatch Commanded_Position]-> Decide {
                StepsToDo := Commanded_Position 
            WaitOnStep -[on dispatch Commanded_Position]-> WaitOnStep {
                StepsToDo := Commanded_Position
            WaitOnStep -[on dispatch DoStempCmd.StepDone]-> Decide ;
            Decide -[StepsToDo.Step_Count = 0]-> Ready ;
            Decide -[StepsToDo.Step_Count > 0]-> WaitOnStep {
                StepsToDo.Step_Count :=  StepsToDo.Step_Count - 1;
                if (StepsToDo.Step_Direction = Open)
                end if
    end SM_ACT.impl;

    -- this represent the proposed improvement of queuing incoming position change commands
    device implementation SM_ACT.Buffered extends SM_ACT.impl
            Queue_Size => 1 applies to Commanded_Position;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                    timingimpact1: error sink Commanded_Position {EarlyDelivery};
                    timingimpact2: error sink Commanded_Position {EarlyDelivery};
            end propagations;
        annex Behavior_Specification {**
                Ready: initial state;
                Decide: state;
                WaitOnStep: complete state;
                Processing: state;
                Ready -[on dispatch Commanded_Position]-> Decide {
                    StepsToDo := Commanded_Position
                WaitOnStep -[on dispatch SM_Command_Signals.Step_Completion]-> Decide; 
                Decide -[StepsToDo.Step_Count = 0]-> Ready ;
                Decide -[StepsToDo.Step_Count > 0]-> WaitOnStep 
                    StepsToDo.Step_Count :=  StepsToDo.Step_Count - 1;
                    if (StepsToDo.Step_Direction = Open)
                    end if
    end SM_ACT.Buffered;

    device SM_ACT_SMPos
        -- multi-threaded stepper motor control
        -- it handles commands from PCS and from SM completing a step
            -- logical interface
            Commanded_Position: in event data port SM_Position.Steps {
                Queue_Size => 0;
                Overflow_Handling_Protocol => Error;
            -- added for compliance of behavior specs
            StepDone: in event port;
            SM_Command_Signals: feature group inverse of SM_Command_Signals;
            -- physical interface
            DevBus: requires bus access Device_Bus;
            Power: requires bus access Power_Supply.Volt12;
            flowpath: flow path Commanded_Position -> SM_Command_Signals {Latency => 1ms .. 1ms;};
            Dispatch_Protocol => Aperiodic;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                Commanded_Position: in propagation {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence, TimingError, RateError};
                -- out of range for PCC and out of bounds on resulting position
                Commanded_Position: not in propagation {OutOfRange};

                power: in propagation {NoService};

                -- on feature group vs. on the individual elements of a feature group
                SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd: out propagation {MissingStepCommand, NoCommandSequence, SlowResponse, QuickResponse};
                SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd: not out propagation {DelayedResponse};
                SM_Command_Signals.Step_Completion: not in propagation {CompletionSignalOmission};
                    omissionPath1: error path Commanded_Position {MissingCommand, NoCommandSequence} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd;

                    timingimpact1: error path Commanded_Position {LateDelivery} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {SlowResponse};
                    timingimpact2: error path Commanded_Position {EarlyDelivery} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {QuickResponse};
                    -- try to do it once for the feature group
                    rateimpacthi: error path Commanded_Position {HighRate} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {QuickResponse};
                    rateimpactlo: error path Commanded_Position {LowRate} -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {SlowResponse};

                    nopowerflow: error path power -> SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {NoCommandSequence};
            end propagations;
    end SM_ACT_SMPos;

    device implementation SM_ACT_SMPos.impl
            DesiredPositionState: data SM_Position.Steps;
            CommandedPositionState: data SM_Position.Steps;
        annex Behavior_Specification {**
            Ready: initial complete state;
            Ready -[on dispatch Commanded_Position]-> Ready {
                DesiredPositionState := Commanded_Position  
            Ready -[on dispatch SM_Command_Signals.Step_Completion]-> Ready {
                if (CommandedPositionState > DesiredPositionState)
                    CommandedPositionState :=  CommandedPositionState - 1;
                elsif (CommandedPositionState < DesiredPositionState)
                    CommandedPositionState :=  CommandedPositionState + 1;
                end if
    end SM_ACT_SMPos.impl;

    feature group SM_Command_Signals
            SM_Cmd: feature group SM_Step_Cmd_Signals;
            Step_Completion: out event port;
    end SM_Command_Signals;

    feature group SM_Step_Cmd_Signals
            Increment_Step: in event data port Base_Types::Integer;
            Decrement_Step: in event data port Base_Types::Integer;
            Goto_Home: in event port;
    end SM_Step_Cmd_Signals;

    device Stepper_Motor
            SM_Command_Signals: feature group SM_Command_Signals;

            Mechanical_Control_Position: out feature; --data port SM_Position.PercentOpen;
            Power: requires bus access Power_Supply.Volt12;
            flowsink: flow sink SM_Command_Signals {Latency => 1ms .. 1ms;};
            Dispatch_Protocol => Aperiodic;
            Compute_Execution_Time => PCSProperties::StepDuration;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd: in propagation {MissingStepCommand, NoCommandSequence, SlowResponse};
                SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd: not in propagation {DelayedResponse};
                SM_Command_Signals.Step_Completion: not out propagation {CompletionSignalOmission};
                Power: in propagation {NoService};
                Mechanical_Control_Position: out propagation {MissedStep, NoSteps, SlowResponse};
                Mechanical_Control_Position: not out propagation {DelayedResponse};
                    SMfailure: error source Mechanical_Control_Position {NoService} when {StepperMotorFailure};

                    cmdimpact1: error path SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {MissingStepCommand} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {MissedStep};
                    cmdimpact2: error path SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {NoCommandSequence} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {NoService};
                    cmdlate1: error path SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd {SlowResponse} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {SlowResponse};
                    nopower: error path Power {NoService} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {NoService};
            end propagations;
    end Stepper_Motor;

    device implementation Stepper_Motor.basic
            ActualPositionState: data SM_Position;
        annex Behavior_Specification {**
            Ready: initial complete state; 
            Ready -[on dispatch SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd.Increment_Step]-> Ready {ActualPositionState := ActualPositionState + 1};
            Ready -[on dispatch SM_Command_Signals.SM_Cmd.Decrement_Step]-> Ready {ActualPositionState := ActualPositionState - 1};
    end Stepper_Motor.basic;

    system Engine
            FuelFlow: in feature;
            thrustReading: out data port;

        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;
            use behavior ErrorLibrary::FailStop;

            error propagations
                FuelFlow: in propagation {StuckValve, SlowResponse, IncorrectFlow};
                FuelFlow: not in propagation {DelayedResponse};
            end propagations;

            component error behavior
                    Operational -[FuelFlow {IncorrectFlow, StuckValve}]-> FailStop;
            end component;

    end Engine;

    system EngineControlSystem
            desiredThrust: in data port;
            thrustReading: in data port;
            valvePosition: out data port SM_Position;
            flowsource: flow source valvePosition {Latency => 1ms .. 1ms;};
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                valvePosition: out propagation {NoCommandSequence, MissingCommand};
                valvePosition: not out propagation {DelayedResponse, OutOfRange};
                    fcsfailure: error source valvePosition {NoCommandSequence, MissingCommand} when {FCSFailure};
            end propagations;
    end EngineControlSystem;

    processor ECU
            power: requires bus access Power_Supply.Volt12;
            Dev_Bus: requires bus access Device_Bus;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                bindings: out propagation {NoService, CompletionTiming};
                Dev_Bus: out propagation {NoService};
                power: in propagation {PowerLoss};
                    passthruSW: error path power -> bindings;
                    passthruBus: error path power -> Dev_Bus;
                    ECUFailureProp: error source bindings {NoService} when {ECUFailure};
                    ECUFailureToDevBus: error source Dev_Bus {NoService} when {ECUFailure};
            end propagations;
    end ECU;

    bus Power_Supply
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                access: out propagation {PowerLoss};
                    powerfail: error source access {PowerLoss} when {PowerFailure};
            end propagations;
    end Power_Supply;

    bus implementation Power_Supply.Volt12
    end Power_Supply.Volt12;

    bus implementation Power_Supply.Volt6
    end Power_Supply.Volt6;

    bus Device_Bus
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                bindings: out propagation {NoService, MessageLoss, MessageCorruption};
                access: in propagation {NoService};
                    NoECUService: error path access {NoService} -> Bindings {NoService};
                    Commerror: error source bindings {MessageLoss, MessageCorruption} when {DeviceBusFailure};
            end propagations;
    end Device_Bus;

    bus DirectMemoryAccess
    end DirectMemoryAccess;

    device Valve
            MechanicalValveControl: in feature; --data port SM_Position.PercentOpen;
            FuelFlow: out feature;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                MechanicalValveControl: in propagation {MissedStep, NoSteps, SlowResponse};
                MechanicalValveControl: not in propagation {DelayedResponse};
                FuelFlow: out propagation {StuckValve, SlowResponse, IncorrectFlow};
                FuelFlow: not out propagation {DelayedResponse};
                    FailedValve: error source FuelFlow {StuckValve} when {ValveFailure};
                    MapToStuckValve: error path MechanicalValveControl {NoSteps} -> FuelFlow {StuckValve};
                    MapToIncrrectFlow: error path MechanicalValveControl {MissedStep} -> FuelFlow {IncorrectFlow};
                    MapToSluggishResponse: error path MechanicalValveControl {SlowResponse} -> FuelFlow {SlowResponse};
            end propagations;
    end Valve;

    system SMS
            Desired_Position: in data port SM_Position.PercentOpen;
            Mechanical_Control_Position: out feature; --data port SM_Position.PercentOpen;
            DMA: requires bus access Device_Bus;
            Power: requires bus access Power_Supply.Volt12;
            flowsink: flow sink Desired_Position;
            Input_Rate => [Value_Range => 0.40 .. 40.0; Rate_Unit => PerSecond;] applies to Desired_Position;
            Allowed_Connection_Binding_Class => (Classifier (DirectMemoryAccess)) applies to Desired_Position;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                Desired_Position: in propagation {NoCommandSequence, MissingCommand, OutOfRange};
                Mechanical_Control_Position: out propagation {MissedStep, NoService, SlowResponse};
                Mechanical_Control_Position: not out propagation {DelayedResponse};
                Power: in propagation {PowerLoss};
                Processor: in propagation {NoService, CompletionTiming};
                Connection: in propagation {NoService, MessageLoss, MessageCorruption};
                    DPpath1: error path Desired_Position {NoCommandSequence} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {NoService};
                    DPpath2: error path Desired_Position {MissingCommand} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {MissedStep};
                    DPpath3: error path Desired_Position {NoCommandSequence} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {NoService};
                    -- mapping of power errors
                    powerpath: error path Power {PowerLoss} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {NoService};
                    ECUpath: error path Processor {NoService} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {NoService};
                    Connectionpath: error path Connection {MessageCorruption} -> Mechanical_Control_Position {MissedStep};
            end propagations;
    end SMS;

    system implementation SMS.Original
            SM_PCS_App: process SMS_App_Process_SMPC.original;
            SM_ACT: device SM_ACT; --.impl;
            SM_Motor: device Stepper_Motor;
            IncomingDesiredPosition: port Desired_Position -> SM_PCS_App.Desired_Position;
            SendPositionChangeCommand: port SM_PCS_App.Commanded_Position -> SM_ACT.Commanded_Position;
            SMCommandSignalConnection: feature group SM_ACT.SM_Command_Signals <-> SM_Motor.SM_Command_Signals;
            -- connection between stepper motor and flow valve
            ValveConnector: feature SM_Motor.Mechanical_Control_Position -> Mechanical_Control_Position;
            PowerToACT: bus access Power <-> SM_ACT.Power;
            PowerToSM: bus access Power <-> SM_Motor.power;
            -- XXX TODO when changing the order we get an error - bus connecting to itself.
            ACTToDevBus: bus access DMA <-> SM_ACT.DMA;
            flowsink: flow sink Desired_Position -> IncomingDesiredPosition -> SM_PCS_App.flowpath -> SendPositionChangeCommand -> SM_ACT.flowpath -> SMCommandSignalConnection -> SM_Motor.flowsink;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;

            error propagations
                    MissedStepSource: error source Mechanical_Control_Position {MissedStep};
            end propagations;
            --connection error
            --use transformations ;
            --end connection;
    end SMS.Original;

    system implementation SMS.MidFrame extends SMS.original
            SM_PCS_App: refined to process SMS_App_Process_SMPC.PCSFixedTime;
    end SMS.MidFrame;

    system implementation SMS.buffered extends SMS.original
            SM_ACT: refined to device SM_ACT.buffered;
    end SMS.Buffered;

    system implementation SMS.Position
            SM_PCS_App: process SMS_App_Process_SMPos.alternative;
            SM_ACT: device SM_ACT_SMPos.impl;
            SM: device Stepper_Motor;
            IncomingDesiredPosition: port Desired_Position -> SM_PCS_App.Desired_Position;
            SendPositionChangeCommand: port SM_PCS_App.Commanded_Position -> SM_ACT.Commanded_Position;
            SMCommandSignalConnection: feature group SM_ACT.SM_Command_Signals <-> SM.SM_Command_Signals;
            -- connection between stepper motor and flow valve
            ValveConnector: feature SM.Mechanical_Control_Position -> Mechanical_Control_Position;
            PowerToACT: bus access Power -> SM_ACT.Power;
            PowerToSM: bus access Power -> SM.power;

            ACTToDevBus: bus access SM_ACT.DevBus <-> DMA;
            flowsink: flow sink Desired_Position -> IncomingDesiredPosition -> SM_PCS_App.flowpath -> SendPositionChangeCommand -> SM_ACT.flowpath -> SMCommandSignalConnection -> SM.flowsink;
    end SMS.Position;

    system SMS_Operational_Environment
    end SMS_Operational_Environment;

    system implementation SMS_Operational_Environment.original
            SMS: system SMS.original;
            Powersupply: bus Power_Supply;
            ECS: system EngineControlSystem;
            FuelValve: device Valve;
            ECU: processor ecu;
            Dev_Bus: bus Device_Bus;
            Engine: system Engine;
            valvecmd: port ECS.valvePosition -> SMS.Desired_Position;
            valveControlConnection: feature SMS.Mechanical_Control_Position -> FuelValve.MechanicalValveControl;
            pwrpcs: bus access Powersupply <-> SMS.Power;
            pwrecu: bus access Powersupply <-> ECU.Power;
            ECUToDevBus: bus access ECU.Dev_Bus <-> Dev_Bus;
            SMPCSToDevBus: bus access SMS.DMA <-> Dev_Bus;
            smcmd: port ECS.valvePosition -> SMS.Desired_Position;
            MechanicalControlPositionConnection: feature SMS.Mechanical_Control_Position -> FuelValve.MechanicalValveControl;
            FuelFlowConn: feature FuelValve.FuelFlow -> Engine.FuelFlow;
            thrustreadingconn: port Engine.thrustReading -> ECS.thrustReading;
            smcmdflow: end to end flow ECS.flowsource -> valvecmd -> SMS.flowsink {Latency => 50ms .. 50ms;};
            Actual_Processor_Binding => (reference (ECU)) applies to SMS.SM_PCS_App;
            Actual_Connection_Binding => (reference (Dev_Bus)) applies to SMS.SendPositionChangeCommand;
        annex EMV2 {**
            use types SMErrorTypes;
            use behavior ErrorLibrary::FailStop;

            composite error behavior
                    [engine.failstop]-> FailStop;
            end composite;
    end SMS_Operational_Environment.original;

    system implementation SMS_Operational_Environment.buffered extends SMS_Operational_Environment.original
            SMS: refined to system SMS.buffered;
    end SMS_Operational_Environment.buffered;

    system implementation SMS_Operational_Environment.MidFrame extends SMS_Operational_Environment.original
            SMS: refined to system SMS.MidFrame;
    end SMS_Operational_Environment.MidFrame;

    system implementation SMS_Operational_Environment.Position extends SMS_Operational_Environment.original
            SMS: refined to system SMS.Position;
    end SMS_Operational_Environment.Position;

end CasePositionControl;
Etienne13 commented 4 years ago

For the OutOfBound exception, it only occured to me because of the consumeMessages method of AnnexParserAgent: line 282, replace if (endOfLine == -1) { by if (endOfLine <= 0) {