osate / osate2

Open Source AADL2 Tool Environment
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Plugin Resources project should be virtual #527

Closed lwrage closed 6 years ago

lwrage commented 9 years ago

Property sets and packages contributed by plugins are currently copied into the workspace. As they should be read-only, they should be shown in the navigator as a virtual project as we did in OSATE1.

lwrage commented 8 years ago

This is needed for ALISA because the current setup causes problems with name resolution if we have validation methods written in Java.

joeseibel commented 8 years ago

Contributed AADL files will now utilize the IContainer mechanism instead of being copied into the workspace. There were many points that needed to be customized in order to fix this bug and I am documenting this process here.

Contribute AADL files to an IContainer

The contributed AADL files need to be added to an IContainer so that they are part of the results returned by the IGlobalScopeProvider. This is accomplished in the class Aadl2ProjectsStateHelper which extends from the xtext class WorkspaceProjectsStateHelper:

The Aadl2ProjectsStateHelper is bound in Aadl2UiModule and it is used in Aadl2ProjectsState. Aadl2ProjectsState is also bound in Aadl2UiModule.

This adds the contributed AADL files to the global scope, but they still need to be processed by the xtext builder. This is handled in the class PropertiesToBeBuiltComputerContribution; specifically in the methods updateProject(ToBeBuilt, IProject, IProgressMonitor) and updateStorage(ToBeBuilt, IStorage, IProgressMonitor) The class PropertiesToBeBuiltComputerContribution is bound in the class PropertiesSharedStateContributingModule, which itself is contributed via the org.eclipse.xtext.ui.shared.sharedStateContributingModule extension point in the plugin.xml file.

See bd711d919574fa0b5e3d91869d2b21645e87b3e1, cd8b4df03989f628becde96468334c6e146c0c31, and 570a1f9d86bf1e391c542bcdb0ae97c6e256d2aa.

Create IStorage objects for contributed AADL files

At this point, the contributed AADL files are in the global scope and they are being built, so they can be used from AADL models in the workspace. However, they cannot yet be opened in an editor. If you Control-Click on a reference to a contributed element, you will see that nothing happens. This is because there are no IStorage objects being created for the contributed AADL files and an editor requires an IStorage to display its contents.

I created a custom implementation of IStorage called ContributedAadlStorage. Instances of ContributedAadlStorage are supplied by Aadl2Storage2UriMapper which is bound in Aadl2UiModule.

See 5d137cb06a34c49da34b327c65dd2ce7fef45a39.

Enable hyperlinking within a contributed AADL file

At this point, hyperlinking to contributed AADL files works as well as hyperlinking from one contributed AADL file to another contributed AADL file. However, hyperlinking within a single contributed AADL file doesn't work. When attempting to do this, the URI of the hyperlink is not a platform plugin URI, but it is instead a platform resource URI. It needs to be a platform plugin URI in order for Aadl2Storage2UriMapper to provide an instance of ContributedAadlStorage.

If you look at ResourceForIEditorInputFactory.createResourceFor(IStorage), you will notice that it explicitly creates a platform resource URI. This is changed in Aadl2ResourceForEditorInputFactory which is bound in Aadl2UiModule. In this class, I simply get the URI from the ContributedAadlStorage which is already a platform plugin URI.

See 75b7650b635460fa1aca35c89c98c5d2e23adff8.

Persist open editors

If you quit OSATE while contributed AADL files are open, those files will not reopen when you relaunch OSATE. This is because there is no IPersistableElement for the IEditorInput objects of contributed AADL files. If you look at XtextReadonlyEditorInput.getPersistable(), you will see that it simply returns null.

This is corrected in the class ContributedAadlEditorInput which does supply an IPersistableElement. You will notice that the anonymous IPersistableElement refers to ContributedAadlEditorInputFactory. This factory is what restores the editors when OSATE relaunches. It is contributed via the org.eclipse.ui.elementFactories extension point in the plugin.xml file. The ContributedAadlEditorInput class is supplied by Aadl2LanguageSpecificURIEditorOpener which is bound in Aadl2UiModule.

See 54a2920cfa952df69f69fcb28bbca908a9ac193d.

Mark Occurences

At this point, the Mark Occurences functionality doesn't work with contributed AADL files. This is because there is no annotation model for contributed AADL files. This is fixed in Aadl2DocumentProvider which simply supplies a basic AnnotationModel for instances of ContributedAadlEditorInput. Aadl2DocumentProvider is bound in Aadl2UiModule.

See 9166c6dd984e36af4fb8af97d0c11bfecc73fff8.

joeseibel commented 8 years ago

Contributed AADL files must not be in a plugin which also contains a .genmodel file. For plugins with .genmodel files, every URI which points to that plugin gets transformed from a platform plugin URI to a platform resource URI when normalized. When this transformation happens to a contributed AADL file and there are Java projects in the workspace, then an exception is thrown.

joeseibel commented 7 years ago

Any language that needs to be able to contain references to contributed AADL must bind Aadl2ProjectsStateHelper and Aadl2ProjectsState in its <LanguageName>UiModule.

This was already done for the Alisa languages Common and Verify, but I just realized that it needed to be done for ErrorModel as well. It is interesting how this was discovered for annexes. If the binding is not present in the annex language, then references to contributed AADL do not work in the annex if the containing AADL file does not have any core cross references, but it does work if there are at least one core references. This is why this problem went unnoticed until now because I had only tested libraries and subclauses which were in files that also contained core references.

See osate/ErrorModelV2@efa9978b4b005f9331074f99f3ca3df26576399f.

smithdtyler commented 6 years ago

Will this change break existing AADL property set contributions using the aadlcontribution extension point?

joeseibel commented 6 years ago

No. The org.osate.pluginsupport.aadlcontribution extension point and its use by plugins remains unchanged. The change is how these property sets are made available to models in the workspace.