Our current ISO installer is not sufficiently supporting our growing user base. We are hoping to utilize bootc-image-builder as a way build our ISO images using consistent tooling. We would also like to fully integrate it into our CI process.
Taken directly from our spec, here is what we feel we need to have for a successful MVP:
Offline ISO
A fully Fedora offline experience that does not require internet to install.
Use cases
Bazzite - it's a mobile device and that team prefers a full offline installer for reliability reasons
Anyone who runs a lab - users have asked for an offline experience so that they can make custom images to deploy labs in places with limited internet. "Burn 50 usb sticks at the home base, ship to this conference"
For full spec, please visit: https://hackmd.io/@ublue-os/ByEpOVeYp Website: https://universal-blue.org/ Github Organization: https://github.com/ublue-os
Our current ISO installer is not sufficiently supporting our growing user base. We are hoping to utilize bootc-image-builder as a way build our ISO images using consistent tooling. We would also like to fully integrate it into our CI process.
Taken directly from our spec, here is what we feel we need to have for a successful MVP:
Offline ISO
A fully Fedora offline experience that does not require internet to install.
Use cases