oscar-broman / PAWN-Boilerplate

(discontinued) Solid core for a big SA-MP server script.
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Add ban system #16

Open oscar-broman opened 12 years ago

oscar-broman commented 12 years ago

I'm thinking striving towards having all ban entries connected to a UID so they can be easily managed as a group of bans.

Bans should be based on IP, DNS, and client ID (gpci).

Any suggestions on this before I start creating it?

jte commented 12 years ago

I agree. Of course add temporary ban and range ban and ban by IP, by DNS and by client ID.

oscar-broman commented 12 years ago

Yeah, bans will have expiration dates (or not, meaning permanent).

I think the best way to store IP bans is by a mask and an IP, so you could for example ban by a C-mask by banning mask for some IP.

dugi had a good point on being able to ban a whole ISP then add exceptions. So some sort of whitelist must be implemented.

The bans module will be based on this, btw:


jte commented 12 years ago

I agree then.