oscar-broman / samp-weapon-config

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Add goggles effect check to other sync types #266

Closed NexiusTailer closed 1 year ago

NexiusTailer commented 1 year ago

Fix for effect from using goggles is extended to driver and passenger sync

NexiusTailer commented 1 year ago

The #if !defined _INC_open_mp check is currently redundant (because omp server has not yet this check in the other sync types except onfoot too), but I also opened an issue there so I think it will be added and the ifdef check will still be needed. For now, you can wait a bit with the approving/merging it here.

Btw, would be good to add this in SKY too, if it's will be merged here & omp server.

NexiusTailer commented 1 year ago

Ok I found time to actually write a clientside script to make POC of this case in vehicle being driver or passenger and seems the game itself don't pass this key & holding weapon combination to enable such goggles effect. I thought it most probably possible by looking at source codes, but this hasn't been proven in practice (rather fortunately).