oscar-system / GAP.jl

GAP packages for Julia integration
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Run `JuliaInterface` tests as part of `Pkg.test`? #1005

Closed lgoettgens closed 1 day ago

lgoettgens commented 2 weeks ago

or at least in PkgEval runs? In https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/54678, a PkgEval job was ran, and PRs to all broken packages were supplied. However, since this only ran the GAP.jl tests and not those of JuliaInterface, https://github.com/oscar-system/GAP.jl/issues/1004 was not found there. I think it would make sense to have the JuliaInterface tests being run as part of PkgEval jobs to make the julia devs aware of possible future breakage they introduce. What do you think?

fingolfin commented 2 weeks ago

I have no idea how to run tests "at least in PkgEval runs".

If running JuliaInterface tests as part of Pkg.test seems useful, sure, why not (PR welcome ;-) ). But we also will want to keep the current test for them because they (a) test the generated gap.sh wrappers, and (b) provide code coverage information.

lgoettgens commented 2 weeks ago

I have no idea how to run tests "at least in PkgEval runs".

Iirc they set some environment variable. I'll look into this later

benlorenz commented 2 weeks ago

We already use haskey(ENV,"JULIA_PKGEVAL") in some places.

ThomasBreuer commented 2 weeks ago

My interpretation of the proposal is as follows:

We extend the file GAP.jl/test/runtests.jl by a @test line that executes the contents of GAP.jl/pkg/JuliaInterface/tst/testall.g, except that GAP shall not be quit in the end, and that we need a return value. This additional @test line shall be executed only under the condition haskey(ENV, "JULIA_PKGEVAL").

If this is correct then GAP.jl/test/runtests.jl should be modified such that it can be used in both situations, i. e., when it is called from GAP or from Julia.

fingolfin commented 1 week ago

I would prefer not to call JULIA_PKGEVAL and just always run those test @test lines: they add very little extra time for the tests, and doing it this way is much easier to verify.

To ensure GAP does not quit at the end of tst/testall.g, I see two options:

  1. modify the two testall.g files to look for some global flag (e.g. check if DONT_QUIT_AFTER_TEST is bound and set to true) to modify the exitGAP flag value (and to also not execute the final FORCE_QUIT_GAP). Then we still need the return value of TestDirectory which could be assigned to another global variable.
  2. modify the two testall.g files by moving most of their content into a separate file, say tst/setup.g, then change testall.g to read setup.g and afterwards call TestDirectory/FORCE_QUIT_GAP. Then on the Julia side we can read setup.g and call GAP.Globals. TestDirectory with suitable arguments.

Variant 2 doesn't require messing with global variables.

Ah and then there is a third variant: let the test do what the CI tests do, and launch a new GAP (resp. GAP-in-Julia) which runs the package tests; then check its exit code to determine the result.

Either is fine by me as long as someone else implements it ;-)

ThomasBreuer commented 1 week ago

I had thought about something like variant 2. And running these tests unconditionally is fine.

lgoettgens commented 1 week ago

I have something like 1 and 3 in some local branches, but didn't manage to get it working yesterday. Let me just push them here later today so that you guys can have a look at the code

lgoettgens commented 1 week ago

I have something like 1 and 3 in some local branches, but didn't manage to get it working yesterday. Let me just push them here later today so that you guys can have a look at the code

I now created PRs https://github.com/oscar-system/GAP.jl/pull/1014 for alternative 3 and https://github.com/oscar-system/GAP.jl/pull/1015 for alternative 2.