oscar-system / Oscar.jl

A comprehensive open source computer algebra system for computations in algebra, geometry, and number theory.
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Add resp. expose more combinatorics features #1732

Open fingolfin opened 1 year ago

fingolfin commented 1 year ago

We already have some things (e.g. subsets from Hecke) which shoud be listed in the relevant chapter of the OScar manual.

But we also wanted to import code by @ulthiel from https://github.com/ulthiel/JuLie.jl/tree/master/src/combinatorics and possibly other sources.

fingolfin commented 1 year ago

Regarding subsets is also noticed that subsets(1:5, 2) doesn't work -- probably just a matter of an overly restrictive function signature

fieker commented 1 year ago

1:5 is no set... Can be added

ulthiel commented 1 year ago

@micjoswig (et. al., e.g., @ThomasBreuer) will make a start integrating some stuff from JuLie (specifically, Schur polynomials). Once there's a skeleton and I see how it works, I'll help integrating and contribute future stuff directly to OSCAR. JuLie will be archived.

wdecker commented 1 year ago

Sounds great!