oscarh / vimerl

A set of erlang plugins for VIM. This is not maintained, better use som modern fork of this!
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Omni-completion throws errors with zsh #16

Open cmeiklejohn opened 12 years ago

cmeiklejohn commented 12 years ago

When attempting to auto-complete something like global:registername from global:register, the omni completion finishes with _name, but in the popup displays the following:

zsh:1: no matches found: /usr/lib/erlang/man/man?/global.? f
zsh:1: no matches found: /usr/lib/erlang/man/man?/global.? f
zsh:1: no matches found: /usr/lib/erlang/man/man?/global.? f
zsh:1: no matches found: /usr/lib/erlang/man/man?/global.? f
zarthross commented 12 years ago


cmeiklejohn commented 12 years ago

Any thoughts?

zarthross commented 12 years ago

My Auto-complete is working now. Though i'm not 100% sure what finally did it.

I suggest making sure you have erlang's manuals installed. Also i removed the link to the manual in my /usr/lib/erlang folder.

I'm not sure if removing that linked helped or not, the reason i removed it in the first place is dialyzer was trying to follow the symlink and was throwing errors.

oscarh commented 12 years ago

Sorry about not responding. Not coding much in Erlang these days and this plugin version is rather neglected. This fork is much more active: https://github.com/jimenezrick/vimerl


cmeiklejohn commented 12 years ago

Thanks; still having a problem there but I'll debug further.