Open scoskey opened 1 year ago
Another term vs term+1 issue. I believe the following is correct.
## DBsubject(Algebra) ## DBchapter(Finite sequences and series) ## DBsection(Arithmetic) ## Level(3) ## KEYWORDS('discrete', 'sequences', 'arithmetics', 'summation', 'sum') ## TitleText1(Discrete Mathematics: an Open Introduction) ## EditionText1(3) ## AuthorText1(Oscar Levin) ## Section1(2.6) ## Problem1(1) ## Author(Oscar Levin) ## Institution(University of Northern Colorado) ## Language(en-US) DOCUMENT(); #################### # Load Macros #################### loadMacros( "", "", "", "", "", ); #################### # Header #################### COMMENT('Authored in PreTeXt'); TEXT(beginproblem()); #################### # PG Setup #################### do {$start = random(2,10);} until ($start !=3); $roc = random(2,10); do {$term = random(120,300);} until ($term%2 ==0); #construct sequence $a1 = $start + $roc; $a2 = $start + 2*$roc; $end = $start + $roc*$term; $sum = $end+$start; $ans = Compute("$sum*($term+1)/2"); #################### # Body #################### BEGIN_PGML Find [`[$start] + [$a1] + [$a2]+ \cdots + [$end]\text{.}`] [_____]{$ans} END_PGML #################### # Solution #################### BEGIN_PGML_SOLUTION [`\frac{[$sum]\cdot [$term+1]}{2} = [$ans]\text{.}`] END_PGML_SOLUTION #################### # End Problem #################### ENDDOCUMENT();
It may be worth checking all problems similar to this one for term vs term+1 errors.
Another term vs term+1 issue. I believe the following is correct.