oscarpan / cogs121

Triton Transit Application by Team DJ MO
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Milestone 7 feedback #5

Open oscarpan opened 7 years ago

paulkim94 commented 7 years ago

Team K2: Guo-po

Paul Kim

Judd Gatbonton

Ranvijay Singh

Anthony Grundle

Laverii commented 7 years ago

Team PokeBoops, K1

Andrew: You should do the following to complete core map/geo: Adding a map into the tutor searching page maybe? Honestly, I really like this idea and can't think of much outside of actually implementing the functions of the rest of the pages. Great work so far!

Peter: You should do the following to complete your core map functions: You should change the look of the buttons that chooses the type of tutoring. They should have a way to show who is tutoring and then add the location of that user on the map.

Inkan: What you should add to your core/functionality to add to your map is that maybe you can track where the tutors or clients are in real time (if they agree to meet each other)? It may cause some privacy issue however, but it might be helpful for them to locate each other. Also maybe you can show which tutor is available or not as well. You pretty hit all the core functionality great job! It looks awesome so far!

Austin: You should do the following to complete core map/geo: ensure that the tutor has access to both post and delete their availability marker on the map, when viewed by the person searching for a tutor. Additionally, will it be easy to integrate Venmo and Paypal into the receipt section (of course, this isn’t core map functionality but is something that stood out to me in the demo). The idea seems very useful though, and you have much of the implementation done already. Well done!