oscarpedrero / BloodyWallet

Virtual Wallet Mod for VRising
MIT License
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Enhancement Request: Multi-GUID Token Exchange #1

Open iomatix opened 3 weeks ago

iomatix commented 3 weeks ago

Firstly, great work on the mod!

Currently, the mod allows specifying one GUID for one token. Could we enhance it to support multiple item GUIDs with varying token prices? This would add flexibility to the token exchange system.

Thanks for considering this improvement!

oscarpedrero commented 3 weeks ago

I'm writing it down so I can investigate this, but in principle it's complicated, since this would break the functionality with BloodyMerchant, but I'll think about something ;)

Thank you very much for your feedback!

iomatix commented 3 weeks ago

I'm writing it down so I can investigate this, but in principle it's complicated, since this would break the functionality with BloodyMerchant, but I'll think about something ;)

Thank you very much for your feedback!

I'm writing it down so I can investigate this, but in principle it's complicated, since this would break the functionality with BloodyMerchant, but I'll think about something ;)

Thank you very much for your feedback!

Thank you for the reply, it's only a suggestion, nothing I can complain about. I've already found something out regarding this matter using the BloodyMerchant to exchange the Demon Essences to other currencies. It could be awesome if all of these (BloodyRewards, BloodyMerchant, BloodyWallet, BloodyShop) could use same currencies defined somehow. e.g. let all of them to be depend on one of them where the currencies could be defined and re-used.

As for the BloodyMerchant plugin, I have a one question - how an auto-respawn feature is handled? I've seen OnDeath event within DeathEventSystem.cs but it seems not handling this, is it handled within the BloodyCore?

oscarpedrero commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your comments, the solution you found is great!

Regarding combining all the mods with the same virtual currency, that is the idea, BR and BM already work with BW, I only need BloodyShop, which I have not incorporated yet because I am considering redoing the mod completely to make it a complement from BM. The idea is that you can create custom objects, blood potions of XXX level of XXX type, horses with X characteristics and that type of items.

Additionally, I also want to include BW to mods like BB or BE so that instead of getting items, you get virtual currency.

And this is all the plan I want to follow.

Regarding autospawn, it was a functionality that has been left in the air from previous versions, the idea was that when a seller kills it it will respawn, but as I say, I still have to review it.