oschwald / maxminddb-golang

MaxMind DB Reader for Go
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Data inconsistency on decoding #115

Closed jtolio closed 11 months ago

jtolio commented 11 months ago


With a relatively recent maxmind country-level DB (let me know if you want my exact copy), we have found at least one IP address that decodes to a different country code based on which de-serialization type is used. This is a bit concerning (we expect it has something to do with registered vs represented countries but we haven't nailed it down).

Here's the difference:

var data map[string]map[string]any
reader.Lookup("", &data)

This says Russia.

var data struct {
    Country struct {
        IsoCode string `maxminddb:"iso_code"`
    } `maxminddb:"country"`
reader.Lookup("", &data)

This says Poland.

What's going on here?

jtolio commented 11 months ago

Additional information:

If I do the first style (map-based decoding), both "country" and "registered_country" say Russia.

However, if I do the second style (struct-based decoding), "country" is Poland, and "registered_country" is Russia.

So I think map-style is broken.

oschwald commented 11 months ago

I can't reproduce this:

package main

import (


func main() {
    reader, err := maxminddb.Open("/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb")
    if err != nil {
    var data map[string]any
    err = reader.Lookup(net.ParseIP(""), &data)
    if err != nil {

    var data2 struct {
        Country struct {
            IsoCode string `maxminddb:"iso_code"`
        } `maxminddb:"country"`
    err = reader.Lookup(net.ParseIP(""), &data2)
    if err != nil {



I am guessing you are ignoring the error from Lookup, which might be related. I had to change the type to something that it could decode to.

jtolio commented 11 months ago

I only removed the error handling for the purposes of this issue submission. Here is a full test for me:

    type countryCode struct {
        Country struct {
            IsoCode string `maxminddb:"iso_code"`
        } `maxminddb:"country"`

    var data countryCode
    err = mapper.reader.Lookup(net.ParseIP(""), &data)
    if err != nil {

    var data2 map[string]map[string]any
    err = mapper.reader.Lookup(net.ParseIP(""), &data2)
    if err != nil {

    var data3 map[string]any
    err = mapper.reader.Lookup(net.ParseIP(""), &data3)
    if err != nil {

This outputs:


Notably, your formulation (map[string]any instead of map[string]map[string]any) works as expected.

oschwald commented 11 months ago

As suggested above, your version fails for me. I receive:

panic: maxminddb: cannot unmarshal array into type map[string]interface {}

goroutine 1 [running]:
    /home/greg/MaxMind/maxminddb-golang/t/main.go:26 +0x2ba
exit status 2

This is because the subdivisions are an array, not map.

If I ignore the error, I see the behavior you describe. However, I wouldn't expect there to be valid data set by a method that returns an error and I wouldn't consider that a bug.

jtolio commented 11 months ago

This fails, even with the latest tag, v1.11.0? I didn't think to try the latest dev branch, but I will do that tomorrow. Perhaps there is some difference between your branch and the tagged release I am using. All of the returned errors are nil in my code--none of the panics in my example code above are triggered. Could this difference be in the format of the mmdb file I have?

oschwald commented 11 months ago

I have found an issue that I think is the cause of what you are seeing. I'll do a release shortly.

oschwald commented 11 months ago

1.12.0 has been released.

That said, I wouldn't recommend decoding to a map[string]map[string]any. It is much slower than decoding to a struct that contains just the data you want and it is more fragile than decoding to map[string]any as it makes possibly unfounded assumptions about what is in the database.

jtolio commented 11 months ago

Great, thank you! 1.12.0 is fixed. We do use the struct approach, but upon discovering this discrepancy we were worried which method was correct.