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Original Image #1873

Closed maddrid closed 8 years ago

maddrid commented 9 years ago

Some housekeeping is needed when we save original image . Original image keeps original exif headers (Hidden php can be Inside EXIF Headers ). Create new image with original dimensions or exif headers must be cleaned . Default option save original image to no ?

dev-101 commented 9 years ago

Hi, first I'll put links that you sent me here:

http://websec.io/2012/09/05/A-Silent-Threat-PHP-in-EXIF.html https://blog.sucuri.net/2013/07/malware-hidden-inside-jpg-exif-headers.html http://phocean.net/2013/09/29/file-upload-vulnerabilities-appending-php-code-to-an-image.html

Now, I am no security expert for PHP, but this part would be a partial responsibility of iMagick/GD as well as Osclass. I do not know in detail how iMagick handles images (but I assume they are aware of potential threats), but if you look into class how it is done in case of GD, images are not included, but read via file_get_contents() which is recommended in one of the above articles.

Second, if you remove exif right upfront, you will lose auto-orientation feature, which is important. Osclass checks only single exif field (orientation) which is just an integer really. I do not know if this is a risk or not. Update: saved images, of course, do not keep exif data.

Now, there is a recommendation to store original user images in inaccessible area. One other method could be to assign them a random string name and store that reference inside database (obscurity ?). Ok, that might not be good idea. However, you may choose not to keep originals - problem solved. On the other hand, if you modify something and wish to regenerate them, you will have a problem without original files. In any case, on production sites originals are rarely kept and media modified later.

Some thought from Conejo or Garcia on this might put more light.

garciademarina commented 8 years ago

I thinks that it's not an issue.

Osclass core don't include images using:

include, require, include_once

This is the only way the php inside an image exif will be executed.