oseau / blockchain-explorer

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Index page #5

Open oseau opened 1 year ago

oseau commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I did not have enough time to finish this part. But the rpc calls, database operations, task schedule and websocket update pattern used in Balance check page should be applied here.

oseau commented 1 year ago

Detailed reason for missing the deadline is in https://github.com/oseau/blockchain-explorer/issues/6 Note section

oseau commented 1 year ago

After diving into ethereum/go-ethereum's source code and it's dependance gorilla/websocket.

I've found the reason why the http_proxy setting is not working for wss connections.

It turns out that by default gorilla/websocket did respect the http_proxy setting, but the newClientTransportWS function in go-ethereum explicitly provide a websocket.Dialer without a Proxy which overwrites the default one.

I've create a pull request to the ethereum/go-ethereum here https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pull/27264

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