oseymour / ScraperFC

Python package for scraping soccer data from a variety of sources
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Making Repo Compatible with Selenium v4.3.0 #12

Closed hedonistrh closed 1 year ago

hedonistrh commented 1 year ago

Hey @oseymour, with latest version of Selenium, there are significant changes. Especially following one is quite significant

Deprecated find_element_by_* and find_elements_by_* are now removed (#10712)

I also realized that from this stack-overflow answer. If one do not update Selenium into new version, nothing is broken, but probably people will switch to that. One of the failing is happening here for instance. Possible fix is, replacing that with

for element in self.driver.find_elements("link text", season):

I am not sure how much time you have for those changes though. But if you would like, I can try to bring PR for that within next days. (At least for some of modules)

oseymour commented 1 year ago

Yes. I'm aware of all this. I've been changing them as I find them for a few months now. Probably missed a couple. Feel free to send any PRs and I'll get to them when I have time. Probably won't be a few weeks.

hedonistrh commented 1 year ago

Sure. Thanks for the answer. I'll do that probably within few days. Just need to be sure that nothing is broken. 🙏

oseymour commented 1 year ago

I went through all modules and Ctrl+F'ed for find_element_by and find_elements_by. All were changed to be compatible with Selenium 4.

hedonistrh commented 1 year ago

Thanks. 🙏🏼