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Provide a way to get a ServiceReferenceDTO for a Service #2985

Closed bjhargrave closed 4 years ago

bjhargrave commented 5 years ago

Original bug ID: BZ#3117 From: @cziegeler Reported version: R7

bjhargrave commented 5 years ago

Comment author: @cziegeler

There are currently two ways to get a ServiceReferenceDTO: traversing down from a FrameworkDTO and adapting a bundle to an array of ServiceReferenceDTOs. Both approaches are not waisting a lot of resources to get a single reference.

I assume the easiest way would be to add an adapt method to ServiceReference

bjhargrave commented 4 years ago

Comment author: @bjhargrave

CPEG call: Agree to add adapt method to ServiceReference. Target types to include ServiceReferenceDTO, Map(service properties), Bundle (registering bundle).

Also have ServiceReference extends BundleReference.

bjhargrave commented 4 years ago

Comment author: @bjhargrave

Fixed by https://osgi.org/gitweb/build.git/commit/70eec607be7fc06b37f7ff2ffedbc7379621f6ac

This change adds an adapt method to ServiceReference and changes ServiceReference to extend BundleReference.

ServiceReference can only be adapted to ServiceReferenceDTO. I also added a CT method for the adaption.

There is no point in adapting ServiceReference to Bundle since there is already a getBundle method (now via BundleReference).

Also, the change does not support adapting to Map. There is already a getProperties() method which returns Dictionary which can be wrapped to a Map with the new FrameworkUtil.asMap method. Adapting to Map.class would loose any generic information which means the caller would need to suppress warnings.

@ SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String,Object> props = ref.adapt(Map.class);

FrameworkUtil.asMap(ServiceReference.getProperties()) will return a properly generified Map with no warnings.

Map<String,Object> props = FrameworkUtil.asMap(ref.getProperties());

We just need to framework RI updated for adapting ServiceReference to a ServiceReferenceDTO. Assigning to Tom to update the RI.

bjhargrave commented 4 years ago

Comment author: @bjhargrave

RI done. Need CT changes.

bjhargrave commented 4 years ago

Comment author: @bjhargrave

CT was updated!