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[JNDI] Services Specification issues #11

Open bjhargrave opened 13 years ago

bjhargrave commented 13 years ago

Original bug ID: BZ#112 From: Ivan Dubrov <wfragg@gmail.com> Reported version: R4 V4.2

bjhargrave commented 13 years ago

Comment author: Ivan Dubrov <wfragg@gmail.com>

The full issue in question is at https://mail.osgi.org/pipermail/osgi-dev/2010-September/002638.html

Sometimes JNDI provider calls getObjectInstance providing "resolved" object (not a reference, javax.naming.Reference), for example instance of JMS javax.jms.ConnectionFactory. According to the 126.4/6 [1], my implementation of JNDIProviderAdmin tries to convert object with all possible factories. The problem is that most JBoss factories expect object passed to be javax.naming.Reference, so ClassCastException is thrown. According to the specification (see the end of the 126.4 [2]), the exception must be propagated to the caller, breaking the JNDI resolution.

[1] Snippet from the OSGi Service Platform Release 4, Enterprise Specification 4.2, section 126.4/6:

If the description was a Reference and without a factory class name specified, or if the description was not of type Reference, then attempt to convert the object with each Object Factory service (or Dir Object Factory service for directories) service in ranking order until a non-null value is returned.

[2] Exceptions handling:

If an Exception occurs during the use of an Object Factory Builder service then this exception should be logged but must be ignored. If, however, an Exception occurs during the calling of a found ObjectFactory or DirObjecFactory object then this Exception must be re-thrown to the caller of the JNDI Provider Admin service.

To sum up:

Faulty ObjectFactory can break JNDI resolution completely, even when client tries to resolve completely valid references implemented by different provider.