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Add OSGi enRoute templates for bndtools 3.4 #8

Closed njbartlett closed 7 years ago

njbartlett commented 7 years ago

Template source in bndtools/bndtools/osgi.enroute.bndtools.templates

Signed-off-by: Neil Bartlett njbartlett@gmail.com

njbartlett commented 7 years ago

@bjhargrave As stated in my comment above, the source for the template is in bndtools master. Where do you suggest we put the JAR? We can't have the source code in this repo because then everybody would get a copy of it when they initialise a new enRoute workspace.

bjhargrave commented 7 years ago

If we do not want the enroute template source code in the bndtools repo, I would suggest a new git repo under the osgi organization such as osgi.enroute.bndtools or osgi.enroute.bndtools.templates. The jar can be published to https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/osgi (see https://github.com/osgi/workspace/blob/master/cnf/ext/enroute.bnd#L24)

njbartlett commented 7 years ago

I only said that the source cannot be in this repo (osgi/workspace). I don't mind if it's in Bndtools. The only thing is that it would create an ordering issue... we want a release of this JAR to go into a Maven repo and that would naturally happen when Bndtools 3.4 is released, but you've indicated that 3.4 should not be released without the enRoute templates.

njbartlett commented 7 years ago

Sorry hit enter too early... if you prefer the source for this template to go into a new repo owned by OSGi, then can you create such a repo? Then I will raise a PR against that.

bjhargrave commented 7 years ago

I only said that the source cannot be in this repo (osgi/workspace). I don't mind if it's in Bndtools.

Sorry, I was confused by Richard and Mike who were saying today that the dependency on the enroute templates in the bndtools repo was a blocking issue for them/you.

I agree it would be fine to leave the source in the bndtools repo/build.

njbartlett commented 7 years ago

On the other hand... if the source for the enRoute template is in Bndtools then changes to that template are dependent on the Bndtools release lifecycle, and are outside full control of the Alliance. I'm thinking it's better for the source to be in an OSGi-owned repo.

bjhargrave commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking it's better for the source to be in an OSGi-owned repo.

This then would mean that bndtools template model is API and cannot be changed in non-backwards compatible ways.

njbartlett commented 7 years ago

It's my intention for it to be API, and it's been possible for users to build their own templates since 3.2.

bjhargrave commented 7 years ago

There is a https://github.com/osgi/osgi.enroute.template project which seems to hold some source for the bndtools template for OSGi enRoute. I am guessing this is the right repo to use for the bndtools template source. Perhaps you can work in a branch there until we are happy and can then merge to master.

njbartlett commented 7 years ago

Okay I'll raise the PR there for the source. Closing this PR, will open a new one when the template binary is pulled in as a maven dependency.

njbartlett commented 7 years ago

See: https://github.com/osgi/osgi.enroute.template/pull/6