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[BUG] Hit rating (Darkspear realm) SEVERELY bugged #311

Open msoric opened 10 years ago

msoric commented 10 years ago

Before I start, I have to say this has been a well-known bug on Dispersion's Darkspear for a while now, but it never got fixed, so with the recent update coming I have to say it would be HIGH TIME someone do something about this.

I have a frost death knight, which is a dual-wield class, and through numerous tests the frequency of my misses is never below 15% (27% chance by default on boss targets, and I have 12% chance to hit on gear/talents) while it very often exceeds 20%, going up to 26% even which is as if I had no hit chance increases whatsoever. Brings us to the comparison with rogues, who also dual wield, yet have 0% miss rates on bosses, hitting with absolutely every melee strike and having the same hit chance as my frost death knight. I tested this numerous times, can provide a multitude of screenshots, can do live tests if a developer is interested (and they should be!) to PROVE this. Rogues have 0% chance to miss dual wielding, and my frost death knight has on average 20% chance to miss with melee, tested over 50 times and it is a FACT. Please contact any of my characters in-game or send me an e-mail for further discussion on this matter. Characters' names: Xiarlie, Inanna.

osiris123 commented 10 years ago

The hit rating does not have a different formula for each class

msoric commented 10 years ago

Oh, I understand what you're trying to say but... my eyes are telling me the opposite. It does. Or how else do you explain this? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/33/qya6.jpg/

msoric commented 10 years ago

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/607/7pxv.jpg/ for me.. 20% missed for death knight with +11% hit, 0% missed for rogue with +13% hit. Over and over and over again, every fight, all the time. That's why I'm saying, maybe you need to test it for yourself, so you can see how utterly broken it is! 13% hit gives 100% hit chance with everything to a rogue 11% hit increases your chance to hit with everything by a small amount, or very occasionally, does nothing, for a frost death knight. Tyvm GM Osiris for your attention!

osiris123 commented 10 years ago

Will check this out in a few hours and come back with an answer

msoric commented 10 years ago

It would mean very much to the server and the community if you,could work to a solution to this problem which has been causing trouble for a loong time now. And surely, you are capable of this! Thank you again

osiris123 commented 10 years ago

http://puu.sh/55te4.jpg http://puu.sh/55t2n.jpg There' isn't a huge difference. Rogue had 7% hit and Dk had 8%

msoric commented 10 years ago

If you get 5 or 6 % more hit on rogue it will not miss a single strike, and the death knight will miss the same. I was talking about how rogues CAP the 27% miss chance with 13%, and death knights don't even cap it with DOUBLE that amount!! Try testing it with these numbers! Geared rogues easily get that 12-13% and it increases their dps by a huge amount, which isn't supposed to work like that! Didn't on retail in any expansion, and it shouldn't here!

Oyashima commented 10 years ago

Other ticket:

msoric commented 2 months ago It's been weeks since I first attempted to get the developers' attention to do something about this huge bug that allows some classes to significantly increase their offensive output in an obviously non-legit way.

"Dual wielding adds a 19% miss penalty to both main and offhand weapons. The base miss rate for all characters is 5%, so each weapon by itself has a 24% chance to miss (19% + 5%). The talents Dual Wield Specialization for shaman, Precision for rogues and warriors, and Nerves of Cold Steel for death knights increase the chance to hit with both weapons while dual wielding."

Taken from wowwiki.com, of course, when the target is 3 lvls higher (83, or ?? - boss level) the base miss rate is 8%, so it brings our auto-attack while dual wielding to - default 27% miss.

Now let's see what anomalies regularly happen on Darkspear:



So the conclusion is, 22% hit chance (in addition to the 5% talent) can be reached with a ridiculously low hit rating (even 150 rating, instead of 721 rating), granting rogues hundreds and hundreds of stat point value absolutely free.

But hold your nose 'cause here goes the cold water!


Done on ptr.dispersion-wow.com ... and verified on live as well.

So warriors can get 429 hit rating to cover the 24% (in addition to 3% from talent) gap and successfully cap auto attacks. Again, hundreds of stat points for free, but not nearly as beneficial as in the rogue case.

And is there any conclusion I will bring up after all these litanies you wonder? Actually, it's very confusing, this whole HIT-bug phenomenon, after re-thinking everything again, observing similarities and differences, doing everything to try to see WHEN or WHY does it happen, even with superficial attempts to alter it via talent resets, gear removal, anything, I haven't come across any correlation between gear/talents and the hit-bug. But one thing poked my eye:


Ehmm... wut? Tetra-wielding? Oh goodie, 'cause Goro was my favorite Mortal Kombat character when I was a kid.


Strangely enough, all the characters that can successfully bug hit, have this dual-wielding proficiency duplicate. Characters that DON'T have it, cannot bug it, and will continue to miss with auto-attacks even at 500-600 rating (instead of 150 lololo), as it is intended for melee classes.

If this in fact proves to be in any way connected to the hit bug problem, my suggestion is to change the tooltip to:


Naaa just kidding.. please run some tests of your own, and well, see this brokenness for yourself :D Thank you in advance.