I mounted kepalived.conf and a track_script on docker run. When you run this, in the server message logs we can see "WARNING - script '/container/service/keepalived/assets/vvrp_check_status.sh' is not executable for uid:gid 0:0 - disabling." notify.sh is the same notify.sh used in the image.
I don't know whether I have done something wrong, Can you please help me?
if [ $STATE = 200 ]; then
logger -t info keepalived "Connection Sucess with $STATE "
exit 1
logger -t info keepalived "Connection failed with $STATE "
exit 0
I mounted kepalived.conf and a track_script on docker run. When you run this, in the server message logs we can see "WARNING - script '/container/service/keepalived/assets/vvrp_check_status.sh' is not executable for uid:gid 0:0 - disabling." notify.sh is the same notify.sh used in the image.
I don't know whether I have done something wrong, Can you please help me?
global_defs { default_interface {{ KEEPALIVED_INTERFACE }} }
vrrp_script chk_nginx_service { script "/container/service/keepalived/assets/vvrp_check_status.sh" interval 2 weight 2 fall 2 rise 1 }
vrrp_instance VI_1 { interface {{ KEEPALIVED_INTERFACE }}
state BACKUP virtual_router_id {{ KEEPALIVED_ROUTER_ID }} priority {{ KEEPALIVED_PRIORITY }} nopreempt
unicast_peer { {{ KEEPALIVED_UNICAST_PEERS }} }
virtual_ipaddress { {{ KEEPALIVED_VIRTUAL_IPS }} }
track_script { chk_nginx_service }
authentication { auth_type PASS auth_pass {{ KEEPALIVED_PASSWORD }} }
notify "/container/service/keepalived/assets/notify.sh" }
STATE=$(curl -LI http://localhost/xxxxxxx.gif -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\n' -s)
if [ $STATE = 200 ]; then logger -t info keepalived "Connection Sucess with $STATE " exit 1 else logger -t info keepalived "Connection failed with $STATE " exit 0 fi