osl-incubator / scicookie

Cookiecutter template for a Python package.
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Error with mkdocs when creating a new project with osl profile #290

Open xmnlab opened 1 month ago

xmnlab commented 1 month ago

[error] mkdocs.yaml: SyntaxError: Nested mappings are not allowed in compact mappings (2:11)
[error]   1 | site_name: Retsu
[error] > 2 | site_url: https://osl-incubator.github.io/aaaaarepo_url: https://github.com/xmnlab/aaaaa.git
[error]     |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] > 3 | docs_dir: ./docs/
[error]     | ^
[error]   4 | site_dir: ./build/
[error]   5 | # extra_css:
[error]   6 | #   - stylesheets/extra.css
README.md 6ms