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Register OSLC-Core-Version header with IANA #459

Closed berezovskyi closed 3 years ago

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago

Filed in connection with #458. I don't think we shall wait #144, Core spec is more mature and will allow us to get a faster allocation.


berezovskyi commented 3 years ago


   Header field name:
      The name requested for the new header field.  This MUST conform to
      the header field specification details noted in Section 4.1.

   Applicable protocol:
      Specify "mail" (RFC 2822), "mime" (RFC 2045), "http" (RFC 2616),
      "netnews" (RFC 1036), or cite any other standards-track RFC
      defining the protocol with which the header is intended to be

      Specify "standard", "experimental", "informational", "historic",
      "obsoleted", or some other appropriate value according to the type
      and status of the primary document in which it is defined.  For
      non-IETF specifications, those formally approved by other
      standards bodies should be labelled as "standard"; others may be
      "informational" or "deprecated" depending on the reason for

   Author/Change controller:
      For Internet standards-track, state "IETF".  For other open
      standards, give the name of the publishing body (e.g., ANSI, ISO,
      ITU, W3C, etc.).  For other specifications, give the name, email
      address, and organization name of the primary specification
      author.  A postal address, home page URI, telephone and fax
      numbers may also be included.

   Specification document(s):
      Reference to document that specifies the header for use with the
      indicated protocol, preferably including a URI that can be used to
      retrieve a copy of the document.  An indication of the relevant
      sections MAY also be included, but is not required.

   Related information:
      Optionally, citations to additional documents containing further
      relevant information.  (This part of the registry may also be used
      for IESG comments.)  Where a primary specification refers to
      another document for substantial technical detail, the referenced
      document is usefully mentioned here.

Our submission:

Header field name: OSLC-Core-Version

Applicable protocol: "http" (RFC 2616 and newer)

Status: standard

Author/Change controller: OASIS Open

Specification document(s): https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/core/v3.0/oslc-core.html (§4.2, Part 1) and https://archive.open-services.net/bin/view/Main/OslcCoreSpecification#Specification_Versioning

Related information: https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs/issues/459

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago

ABNF definition:

SP = " "
HTAB = %x09
DIGIT = %x30-39

header = oslc-version
oslc-version = "OSLC-Core-Version:" *WSP DIGIT "." DIGIT

checked with https://github.com/fenner/bap (you may use https://tools.ietf.org/tools/bap/abnf.cgi); definitions reused from https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.01/os/abnf/odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt (cleaned up to remove unnecessary layers of abstraction)

@jamsden this ABNF is required for registration. I suggest we put it into the spec to avoid adding an Additional Artifact like oData did (they have a large ABNF file) in https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.01/odata-v4.01-part1-protocol.html#ABNF

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago

if someone knows how to test ABNF above with input, I will be very glad

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago

OData version header definition for reference: https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.01/odata-v4.01-part1-protocol.html#_Toc31358862

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago

This is the email draft to https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/ietf-message-headers/


OASIS Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) Open Project (OP) would like to submit the following registration request:

Header field name: OSLC-Core-Version

Applicable protocol: "http" (RFC 2616 and newer)

Status: standard

Author/Change controller:   

Specification document(s):
    https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/core/v3.0/oslc-core.html (§4.2, Part 1)

Related information:
    OSLC-Core-Version header has been in active use by OSLC implementations since 2009.
    This submission is made in preparation to progressing OSLC Core specification to the OASIS Standard stage (currently Project Specification stage has passed and Candidate OASIS Specification stage is next).

Best regards,
Andrew Berezovskyi

OSLC OP PGB co-chair

I think we should make a PR to add ABNF to the spec judging from the examples I saw on the mailing list.

ABNF shall be cited in the spec as https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5234. Example https://www.w3.org/TR/resource-timing-1/#timing-allow-origin

img commented 3 years ago

That ABNF doesn't admit multi-digit version parts, eg "43.4". Is that intentional?

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago

Good catch, will fix!

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago

ABNF was fixed in #474 and merged to master for the IETF reviewers to see the draft.

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago

The request was submitted with the IETF https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ietf-message-headers/k3PGnmAAr6JyPCAJVrXIR7JYCQY/

Two weeks from now we should be able to proceed with an IANA application if no objections are received: https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp90#section-4.3

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago

No objections received over 2 weeks on the IETF list. The reg template was forwarded to IANA adminitrator today.

berezovskyi commented 3 years ago



closing as complete

berezovskyi commented 2 years ago

Requested a permanent registration via https://github.com/protocol-registries/http-fields/issues/30