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August meetup (show and tell) #3

Closed sveisvei closed 8 years ago

sveisvei commented 8 years ago


Date and location:

30.08 @ Teknologihuset


Node-reel / Node.js in the wild / Node.js show and tell

Suggestions / Talks:

@fractalf "Edderkopp - en custom web crawler skrevet i ES6/ES7" @einari "Einar will show how to build Bots using Microsoft cognitive services deployed in Azure." @rexxars "sse-channel (Server-Sent Events channel)"

Maybe @eiriklv "Playing with push- and pull-streams in node"

Unconfirmed: @viqueen "koa/react/webpack with some atlassian connect api" ?

If you have a suggestion for content by yourself or others for this meetup, let us know in this issue. Any length is ok.

popeindustries commented 8 years ago

I'll be giving a talk at NodeConf Oslo at the beginning of June. Maybe I could do something similar?

leftieFriele commented 8 years ago

what about doing a talk on serverside rendering performance on React. you did some cool stuff with that which I'm sure would be interesting

popeindustries commented 8 years ago

sure, sounds like a good idea

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

@popeindustries Do you have a quick bio :)?

popeindustries commented 8 years ago

working on it ;)

I'll get back to you...

popeindustries commented 8 years ago

@sveisvei ✉️

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

@eiriklv @rexxars Said they would contribute :)

rexxars commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I'd be happy to. I just have no clue what I find interesting in august, so maybe I can get back to it when we're a little closer to the date? :D

eiriklv commented 8 years ago

The same applies to me!

fractalf commented 8 years ago

I can show/talk about a web page crawler/parser that I made using node and ES6/7 if is of any interest

viqueen commented 8 years ago

I'll be in town around that time, I am thinking something something koa/react/webpack with some atlassian connect api .

Pistus commented 8 years ago

Can talk about some aspect of our work in @Socius where we do most things with node. Flavor of the month is Google Cloud Functions which we use to run a bunch of workers triggered by pubsub messages.

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

@Pistus Awesome, your in!

Starefossen commented 8 years ago

Are there still room for more speakers? I might be in Oslo on this date 😄

fractalf commented 8 years ago

@sveisvei Can I get an yey/ney if you want me to do a small talk? I don't know what status "thumbs up" have :)

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

Yay @fractalf

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

Indeed @starefossen !

einari commented 8 years ago

I can give a talk on NodeJS + Docker in Azure and consume some cognitive services. I can easily do 20 minutes or more..

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

@eiriklv @rexxars @viqueen @Pistus @Starefossen You guys still have time? Want to post a title to your show and tell contribution?

Starefossen commented 8 years ago

I have to pass. My trip has been re-scheduled for 1st of September - just 2 days short of this meetup 😢

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

Ping: @eiriklv @viqueen @Pistus

rexxars commented 8 years ago

I can either talk about SSE-channel or Mead, an image transforming service I'm building. Will wing it with no slides anyway, so might just ask what people want to hear about.

Pistus commented 8 years ago

Pfew, deep inn admin hell with the skattefunn deadline coming up and their damn webpage not actually saving when you click save.. Looks like there are some guys talking, so I will pass:/

eiriklv commented 8 years ago

If I'm able to make it I can talk about "Playing with push- and pull-streams in node" aka. "How I thought I discovered the message queue and now my ex employer is using it in production (don't tell anyone)". My stuff would just be ad hoc as well, with live coding/console. But I'm trying to fit a week-long React course into 3 days for a client this week, so I don't really know when or if I'm able to get to Teknologihuset :/

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

@Pistus To bad, thanks for responding - best of luck! Another time maybe.

@eiriklv See what you can do :). Ad hoc is the only way today... actually preferred.

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

@rexxars will be hosting

sveisvei commented 8 years ago

Thanks to the people who contributed.