osm-fr / osmose-backend

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False "Invalid addr:housenumber value" for POIs with addr:place #2056

Open Yogurt4 opened 10 months ago

Yogurt4 commented 10 months ago

Item: 2060 street numbers Class: 10 Like in https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/issue/1a597ea7-aaaf-e904-0eae-b413c0fb674b OSM link

The Suomenlinna islands near Helsinki don't have street names but they do have house numbers. According to OSM Wiki, the addr:place tag is used here instead.

Please accept addr:place in addition to (or in place of) addr:street for such locations.

Famlam commented 10 months ago

Thank you for the report! The issue is not related to addr:street/addr:place but to the housenumbers, as they start with A-E rather than a number.

The text on Wikipedia says

The streets in Suomenlinna do not have names. Postal addresses consist of a letter designating the island (A=Kustaanmiekka, B=Susisaari, C=Iso Mustasaari, D=Pikku-Mustasaari and E=Länsi-Mustasaari) and the house number,

This reads to me as if the letter is not supposed to be part of the (addr:)housenumber. Is this correct?

Or was there any discussion in the Finish community to tag it like this? (If so, we can add an exception for this region)

Yogurt4 commented 10 months ago


These are exactly the "numbers" written on the plates on each building, like "C 15". kép I guess, this is why they were tagged this way from the very beginning, years ago. And left this way by the Finnish mappers.

I've only moved Suomenlinna from addr:street (which it is not) to addr:place.