osm-fr / osmose-frontend

Part of osmose that shows results on the website http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dragging map occasionally stops working #433

Closed Famlam closed 2 months ago

Famlam commented 1 year ago

Not really found a pattern in it, but occasionally when opening 'balloons', zooming in and out and dragging the map around, the dragging stops working and you'll get the following in the console:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: L.Path.prototype._createElement is not a function
    at e.setText (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:97060)
    at e._textRedraw (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:96588)
    at e.onAdd (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:96267)
    at e._layerAdd (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:199660)
    at e.whenReady (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:194821)
    at e.addLayer (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:199973)
    at e.onAdd (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:241676)
    at e._layerAdd (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:199660)
    at e.whenReady (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:194821)
    at e.addLayer (webpack.bundle-f2c1c47cb268add1268e.js:2:199973)

which when expanded in Chrome, also shows this:

setText @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
_textRedraw @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
_updatePath @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
_update @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
_reset  @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
onAdd   @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
onAdd   @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
_layerAdd   @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
whenReady   @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
addLayer    @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
onAdd   @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
_layerAdd   @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
whenReady   @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
addLayer    @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
addLayer    @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
(anonymous) @   webpack.bundle-8a3448d….js:1
Promise.then (async)        
(anonymous) @   webpack.bundle-8a3448d….js:1
_setPopup   @   webpack.bundle-8a3448d….js:1
(anonymous) @   webpack.bundle-8a3448d….js:1
(anonymous) @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
xr  @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
Promise.then (async)        
gr  @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
Sr  @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
tr  @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
t.update    @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
t.notify    @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
set @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
Wr.set  @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
(anonymous) @   webpack.bundle-8a3448d….js:1
Promise.then (async)        
load    @   webpack.bundle-8a3448d….js:1
pr  @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
t.$emit @   webpack.bundle-afcb4bb….js:2
(anonymous) @   webpack.bundle-8a3448d….js:1
setTimeout (async)      
_openPopup  @   webpack.bundle-8a3448d….js:1
n   @   webpack.bundle-8a3448d….js:1
fire    @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
_propagateEvent @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
fire    @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
_fireDOMEvent   @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
_handleDOMEvent @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2
s   @   webpack.bundle-f2c1c47….js:2

(I do realize this is a compressed javascript file, so the stack trace is probably not exactly useful)

vinber commented 1 year ago

same problem sometime !


frodrigo commented 2 months ago

Done with the switch to MapLibre.