osm-fr / osmose-frontend

Part of osmose that shows results on the website http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Expensive query #460

Closed anayrat closed 1 year ago

anayrat commented 1 year ago

Hello, I noticed this expensive query:

                uuid_to_bigint(uuid) as id,
                markers.uuid AS uuid,
                JOIN class ON
                    markers.item = class.item AND
                    markers.class = class.class
                JOIN items ON
                    markers.item = items.item
                JOIN updates_last ON
                    markers.source_id = updates_last.source_id
                1=1 AND
                ((markers.item >= 3000 AND markers.item < 4000) OR (markers.item >= 4000 AND markers.item < 5000) OR (markers.item >= 7000 AND markers.item < 8000) OR (markers.item >= 8000 AND markers.item < 9000) OR markers.item IN (1010,1040,1150,1230,1240,1270,6020,6030,6040,9000,9001,9002,9004,9005,9006,9007,9009,9010,9011,9014,9015,9016,9017,9018,9019,9020)) AND
                lonlat2z_order_curve(lon, lat) BETWEEN
                            zoc18min(z_order_curve(34968, 22506), 16) AND
                            zoc18max(z_order_curve(34968, 22506), 16) AND
                        lat > -90 AND
                class.tags::text[] && '{geom}'::text[] AND
                updates_last.timestamp > (now() - interval '3 months')


Here is the plan : https://explain.depesz.com/s/kBBM#html

The filter on markers is quite complex and Postgres is not able to correctly estimate how many rows this filter will return:

explain (analyze) select * from markers where lonlat2z_order_curve(lon, lat) BETWEEN
                            zoc18min(z_order_curve(34968, 22506), 16) AND
                            zoc18max(z_order_curve(34968, 22506), 16) AND
                        lat > -90;
 Index Scan using idx_marker_z_order_curve_item on markers  (cost=0.57..813967.83 rows=410395 width=763) (actual time=5.068..12.109 rows=30 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((z_order_curv

As he thinks he will get many rows, he estimates better to fetch first class and item and join markers table. Instead of a first read the markers table and then join other table.

anayrat commented 1 year ago

Sorry, it is a mistake.