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Document examples to customize India boundaries for various maps #38

Open planemad opened 3 years ago

planemad commented 3 years ago

Since OSM maps can be used via various libraries and platforms, it would be useful to show examples of how one can customize the India boundaries in each:

naveenpf commented 3 years ago


How to fix openstreetmap national border rendering

planemad commented 3 years ago

Thanks @naveenpf , looks like the only one missing is something for leaflet #1

cc @answerquest

answerquest commented 3 years ago

Hi, ok I made one : https://answerquest.github.io/osm-in.html , code : https://github.com/answerquest/answerquest.github.io/blob/master/osm-in.html Where do you want it in this repo? @naveenpf @planemad

planemad commented 3 years ago

@answerquest we can add them here: https://github.com/osm-in/openstreetmap.in/tree/master/examples

planemad commented 3 years ago

@answerquest One issue is that we should not be using the existing OSM India raster tiles since they no longer receive data updates. This was the main reason to move to the Mapbox vector tiles #36

Not sure what would the best raster tile option, maybe something that adds some extra geojson boundary lines over the standard mapnik tiles from osm.org. Have got a demo of this using Mapbox GL https://jsfiddle.net/planemad/cesuompe/6/ . Would you be able to port over this effect to leaflet?

answerquest commented 3 years ago

@planemad I understand.. in this case maybe it's better to accept that we can't have a simple leaflet example because it's a raster tiles thing and we don't have the raster tiles. Folks should just use the one of the other examples instead. Better to pick a simpler solution. There ARE leaflet plugins to work with vector tiles - maybe in future someone will bring in a code example using that, or leafletjs may upgrade to handle those more simply.

planemad commented 3 years ago

@answerquest to clarify, i think a leaflet version is possible using the raster tiles:

Have not fiddle with leaflet in a while, might try to make an example sometime.

answerquest commented 3 years ago

Ok, sure, then can you share the mentioned geojson data?

planemad commented 3 years ago

Think i got it working reasonably well

Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 1 43 26 AM

Data preperations:

Manually merged them and added a boundary=disputed and boundary=claimed property for each set. Simplified with mapshaper with 3% treshold .

Rest of the magic is in the code: https://jsfiddle.net/planemad/1oy4v5g2/26/

@answerquest if you can compile that ^ into a single html and make a pr that would be 👌

naveenpf commented 3 years ago

Rest of the magic is in the code: https://jsfiddle.net/planemad/1oy4v5g2/26/

This is going to be a superb hit 👌👌👌

answerquest commented 3 years ago

Hi, sorry I lost track of the last stuff. Regarding the recent discussions on telegram group, this code shows a way in Leaflet to constrain the map view to your target area and prevent the viewer from zooming too much out or panning to somewhere else: https://github.com/answerquest/WKT-Leaflet-map-template/blob/master/index.html#L39 Live demo: https://answerquest.github.io/WKT-Leaflet-map-template/

Operative code: When initiating the map, add in maxBounds, minZoom, maxBoundsViscosity

var map = L.map('map', {
    layers: [CartoDB_Voyager],
    maxBounds: [[15,67],[23,87]], 
    minZoom: 7,
    maxBoundsViscosity: 0.9
}).setView([19,77], 7);

maxBoundsViscosity : just as a haptic feedback kind of thing that's familiar to how phone interfaces convey to users they've reached the end / boundary. You can leave it out and have the bounds like a solid wall instead.

Benefits of this:

elora92 commented 3 years ago

Hi! I am student and user of QGIS, i am looking to modify the boundary of India according to the Govt. of India Boundaries in OSM and use it in my QGIS program. Any idea how to go about it? I am not a coder. Elora

planemad commented 3 years ago

@elora92 would it work to just use the modified boundary geojson? https://github.com/datameet/maps/blob/master/Country/india-osm.geojson

ramSeraph commented 1 month ago

Think i got it working reasonably well

Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 1 43 26 AM

Data preperations:

Manually merged them and added a boundary=disputed and boundary=claimed property for each set. Simplified with mapshaper with 3% treshold .

Rest of the magic is in the code: https://jsfiddle.net/planemad/1oy4v5g2/26/

@answerquest if you can compile that ^ into a single html and make a pr that would be 👌

Added a script to generate the additions and deletions here - https://github.com/ramSeraph/indianopenmaps/tree/main/india_boundary_correcter

Using it in maplibre on top of Carto dark tiles is here - https://github.com/ramSeraph/indianopenmaps/blob/main/static/view.js#L51

answerquest commented 1 month ago

Sharing another relatively lower-tech solution, in Leaflet js :: folks who know even just the starting steps of how to add a shape to the map should be able to do this with ease.


Live Example:


This code is from: https://github.com/answerquest/pmgsy_osm_comparison/blob/main/html/js/habitation.js#L358

Reasons for putting map data into a india_outline variable instead of loading from a geojson file:
