osmandapp / OsmAnd-iOS

OsmAnd for iOS
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Route planning very slow on latest release(s) #3741

Closed MagielBruntink closed 1 month ago

MagielBruntink commented 1 month ago

Since recently route planning for even short routes (15 km with bike profile) has become very slow. Previously such routes were calculated in perhaps just a second, now it's taking close to half a minute. To me the navigation in OsmAnd has become unusable because of this slowdown.

For reference, other OSM based apps like TopoGPS plan the same routes almost instantly.

yuriiurshuliak commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately, we could not reproduce this bug. I attempted to plan a 17 km route through a dense road network, which took about 30 seconds. Please provide the exact start and end coordinates, attach your profile settings, and specify the application version you are using.

MagielBruntink commented 1 month ago

@yuriiurshuliak I have since learned that the apps I was comparing to were using online services for routing (graphhopper). So, not really a fair comparison. Although it would perhaps be nice to have that online option in OsmAnd as well, since it is much much faster.

I have also enabled dev plugin and saw that it's possible to choose between two algorithms for routing: highway hierarchies and A. The cycling profile is set to highway hierarchies by default. I tried A and note significantly faster routing. Perhaps that algorithm was indeed changed in a recent release?

DmitryAlexei commented 1 month ago

@MagielBruntink In the recent release, the routing algorithm was changed from A* to HH. The new algorithm shows much faster calculation speed for regular routes (up to 3x times faster). Although in some cases (for example, when more than 2 navigation settings are enabled), new routing may not work that fast as expected. We are trying to improve new routing, so we will be grateful if you provide:

MagielBruntink commented 1 month ago

Please find attached a GPX file with start and end waypoints, and the exported Cycling profile.

Wall clock time measurements on iPhone 13 with no other apps active and not in power save mode:

Used navigation mode to calculate the routes. "Directions from" on the start waypoint, then select the end waypoint as destination.

2024-05-30_18-52_Thu.gpx.txt Cycling.osf.txt

yuriiurshuliak commented 1 month ago

The bug could not be reproduced. I tested the issue by importing your track and using two different routing algorithms. First, I reset the bike profile settings and building the route using the Highway hierarchies and A* routing algorithms, which took approximately one second. Then, after importing your profile settings, it took around three seconds to build the route using the same algorithms.

OsmAnd TestFlight

Highway hierarchies A* Highway hierarchies (your profile) A* (your profile)
MagielBruntink commented 1 month ago

I have now also reset (all) profiles and notice overall greatly improved performance, for route planning and general app responsiveness. This may be something to make users aware of.

I have not done anything really special with my profiles in the past. Just visual preferences for the map.

MagielBruntink commented 1 month ago

With profiles reset to defaults this issue is resolved. I wonder what setting causes slow downs, though.