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Navigation does not find route although all necessary offline maps are on the phone #14680

Open bege10 opened 2 years ago

bege10 commented 2 years ago

I want OsmAnd to find a route through tree federal states of Germany: From Bayern through Hessen to Niedersachsen. Those maps are available. While calculating OsmAnd asks for two other nearby states: Thüringen and Sachsen-Anhalt. I downloaded those maps also. Eventually the navigation stops telling that OsmAnd cannot find a route and offers a link to online check the necessary maps. A moment later the same screen shows up. The route is on normal streets only and no special route options.

What can I do that OsmAnd can find and navigate a route?

The maps are from June 1st. OsmAnd 4.1.11 (F-Droid) Fairphone 3, /e/OS (based on LineageOS for microG, Android 10)

The app Magisk Earth does find three alternative routes in a moment.

pebogufi commented 2 years ago

Please post start and destination pos. Which profile do you use, car ?

bege10 commented 2 years ago

From: Wagnerstraße 3, Würzburg to: Am Bahnhof 6, Hitzacker Yes, the profile is car. Today I tried it again, same issue. Then I changed the destination to a closer place where it worked and then step by step to the original destination to find out where the problem starts: and now OsmAnd finds a route to all these destinations, also the original one!?

I closed the app and started it again. Navigation same route: The issue is back.

This process was very time consuming because each successful calculation took 3 to 4 minutes. That is very slow compared to Magic Earth. It takes 10 seconds for the three alternative routes.

diemadedrei commented 1 year ago

I have exactly the same issue. It first says, it cannot find a route and offers to check online maps (I have all of Germany downloaded and the complete route is within Germany an it would make absolutely no sense to go via another country). Sometimes it helps to put osmand in the background, waiting a few minutes and returning and it will show the route. Sometimes it doesn't help. I have the setting for avoiding tunnels active, if that helps. Route is from Langen, Hessen, Nördliche Ringstraße to Seefeld Unering, am Weiher

Edit: could this just be a timeout? The loading bar is always not finished, when it says, it can't find a route. The timing was about 60 seconds, at least once for me. And it works if you wait longer (although not always). I'm on a pixel 6 pro

TheRealHerisson commented 9 months ago

I have exactly the same issue in Spain. Tested as per bege10 and it's just down to distance - anything over 300 to 400kms. No special restrictions. Tried removing all necessary maps and reloading but same result.

DmitryAlexei commented 9 months ago

@TheRealHerisson Please try adding intermediate points to your route. For more information see https://osmand.net/docs/user/troubleshooting/navigation#route-calculation

TheRealHerisson commented 9 months ago

Sometimes the reason for satnav is to find the fastest route, especially over a longer distance. Adding intermediate points negates this.

DmitryAlexei commented 9 months ago

In that case you can try to use Online routing (see https://osmand.net/docs/user/navigation/routing/online-routing) or Brouter (see https://osmand.net/docs/user/navigation/routing/brouter). The last one is for offline navigation.

TheRealHerisson commented 9 months ago

I just tried https://osmand.net/docs/user/navigation/routing/online-routing for the fastest route and it was 2 hours longer (up from 12 on Google to 14hrs OSRM) and very much indirect. It did calculate in seconds though.