osmandapp / OsmAnd

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:fr: Enforcing new French law about environmental impact #15095

Open Dazeilad opened 1 year ago

Dazeilad commented 1 year ago

Early August, the French government took the decision to force route aiding apps to :

The agenda has 2 milestones : december 2022, and december 2023. The bills can be found here (in French) :

And a press summary here (:fr: too) : https://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/transport-applications-mention-impact-environnemental-trajets-obligatoire-40150.php4

I didn't dig into the details, but this is for sure an important issue to look upon, at least to avoid fines. I recommend maybe to build a french task-force to ease the process (avoid language and law-enforcement barriers) ?

-------------------- :gear: Work In Progress After some research, I put here some useful things : :exclamation: French Govt Open Transport Data (FGOTD), refferred to in the bills : https://transport.data.gouv.fr

Art. D. 1115-23 : The points below concern only journeys starting from and ending in the French territory.

Todo :

Art. D. 1115-18.

Art. D. 1115-19.

OSMAnd is concerned by the 1) of the article as it propose journeys with transport services :

Art. D. 1115-20. --> to translate

Art. D. 1115-21.

vshcherb commented 1 year ago

We just implemented this feature

inform about the environmental impact of the journeys

Other features are very tricky cause we don't have alternative routes feature at all, so we would like to have this feature we don't know how to implement it for now. So it might stimulate and motivate to implmement alternative routes, let's see

Dazeilad commented 1 year ago

I updated my message above. Art D 1115-21 : specific environmental datas should be used, or we should to be able to justify an other methodology. Do you know if the datas and methods mentionned were effectively used ?

I saw some points which may rather concern OSM community (intregrate open datas on the map). Do you know where I could raise these issues ?

scaidermern commented 1 year ago

I saw some points which may rather concern OSM community (intregrate open datas on the map). Do you know where I could raise these issues ?

There are many different contact channels available. For example https://community.openstreetmap.org/

Codain commented 1 year ago

Hi, if you need some French support I can probably help. At first sight this regulation is quite demending compared to what OsmAnd is today but it brings some stimulation to bring it to next level.

InsertUser commented 1 year ago

I don't know what your French revenue is, but you could always just stop selling there ;-P.

chereskata commented 1 year ago

I think that the app should remain at an informing basis and not teach the user certain viewpoints about things.

Dazeilad commented 1 year ago

I don't know what your French revenue is, but you could always just stop selling there ;-P.

What am I selling ?

I think that the app should remain at an informing basis and not teach the user certain viewpoints about things.

I didn't understand your point, can you develop ? What is beyond information ?

chereskata commented 1 year ago


I didn't understand your point, can you develop ? What is beyond information ?

This app should be kept lean of "teaching" information. I for example like to inform myself in the news (if i feel the need to do so). A lot of alerts about how a human has to do something will shorten his attention span. (Just my 2ct)

InsertUser commented 1 year ago

@Dazeilad :

I don't know what your French revenue is, but you could always just stop selling there ;-P.

What am I selling ?

This was aimed at the OsmAnd project team as a whole rather than you. It was meant as a joke but if the requirements are too onerous for a small team to implement then stopping sale in France might be something that needs to seriously consider if there are fines involved.

@kozboko :

This app should be kept lean of "teaching" information. I for example like to inform myself in the news (if i feel the need to do so). A lot of alerts about how a human has to do something will shorten his attention span. (Just my 2ct)

I would tend to agree, but if the summary above is correct then the French government might not.

Is the data that OsmAnd would have to integrate sufficiently compatible with OSM's license? Not all 'open' government licenses permit as many downstream uses as OSM which might have an impact on integration.

Dazeilad commented 1 year ago

This app should be kept lean of "teaching" information. I for example like to inform myself in the news (if i feel the need to do so). A lot of alerts about how a human has to do something will shorten his attention span. (Just my 2ct)

OK, I understand your point, but these measures are precisely written in the bills.

This was aimed at the OsmAnd project team as a whole rather than you. It was meant as a joke but if the requirements are too onerous for a small team to implement then stopping sale in France might be something that needs to seriously consider if there are fines involved.

Yep, it's always a possibility. But you could also see it as a challenge to improve the app in the whole world. :face_in_clouds:

Is the data that OsmAnd would have to integrate sufficiently compatible with OSM's license? Not all 'open' government licenses permit as many downstream uses as OSM which might have an impact on integration.

Well, some of the data already come from OSM :sweat_smile: I dig up a bit deeper, and I identified at least these licences :

breversa commented 1 year ago

Here are my 2 cents about this topic: https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/discussions/15053