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Rendering forests discernable from vineyards and orchard in offline maps #15770

Open ozalot opened 1 year ago

ozalot commented 1 year ago

🚀 feature request


landuse=forest, landuse=vineyard and landuse=orchard are currently rendered the same in OsmAnd offline maps. This is a pity and rather often has given me the wrong impression of a landscape. For an example, see this area (here on OSM): https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/47.6657/7.5417

The online OsmAnd Carto style renders them discernably.

Describe the solution you'd like

rendering landuse=vinyard and landuse=orchard a bit lighter than landuse=forest and sticking those little lines for vinyards and dots for orchards on them.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Giving landuse=forst the more olive tint it has in carto styles. With landuse=forest so widely present, this however would change much more of the OsmAnd map style's clear and fresh appearance.

hakuchi commented 1 year ago

The different collores can be activated in the settings:
Configure map -> Details -> More Details

There you can also activate boundarys from nature reserve or different collor from building according to the type.

sonora commented 1 year ago

In my mind we mis-use our flag "More details" here: The slight variation of green colors for the different vegetation landuse types does in deed give a vital impression of the landscape in some regions of the world and should not be hidden from the standard user via a flag "More details" which is off by default.

We originally iintroduced the more details flag to control the number of objects placed on the map (in our renderer code via parameters like xxxDensityLimitPerTile), mainly to give users control how "crowded" the map looks and to impact the corresponding renderer speed.

Hiding the landuse diversificarion serves none of these purposes. To make it consistent with "Color-code buildngs by type", if at all we should break this out to a separate, but explicit setting "Color-code landuse by type", which should be on by default. But I argue that's silky, because the green diversification hurts noone, has minimal impact on performance, and --other than building type-- is vital to see on the map for orientation purposes for the majority of users.

I vote for showing the landuse diversification even if "More details" is set to off, and without offering a new setting.

itzikiap commented 1 year ago

Too many variations of colors can sometimes be distracting, for example while driving, so having the option to reduce it for some profiles might serve a purpose. But you're right, it should be explicit.

vmicho commented 1 year ago

I have same issue in the default colors, with forest vs meadow/grass. I've switched to Mapnik map style (which also changes lots of other things). I'd would just suggest to render forests a bit darker green.