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Unnecessary turn instructions - following main road #16322

Open frederikb96 opened 1 year ago

frederikb96 commented 1 year ago

🚀 feature request


If following a main road that has curves, there are often unnecessary turn navigations (which are not incorrect but just confusing - (there are already issues about wrong turn navigations)).

See this example, where a primary highway needs to be followed but there are turn navigations if there is a small track connected to it. I tested other routing engines (OSRM, ORS and Graphhopper) which do all not show this issue.



28.76996° N, 17.90393° W

Describe the solution you'd like

It would be nice, if there is simply no turn navigation if you follow a main road and only way smaller roads like tracks connect to it.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Or simply give a single info to follow the road instead of giving a turn instruction.

pebogufi commented 1 year ago

We had a discussion similar to that here https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/issues/8329

frasty commented 1 year ago

I find that turn instructions should be avoided particularly in such cases. It doesn't matter if they are semantically correct as they unnecessarily steal the attention of the user whereas attention should only be taken on the road you are following already.

vshcherb commented 1 year ago

Reproduced https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/51206036 https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/78168989#map=15/28.7780/-17.9074

Question is that there is a turn, primary road doesn't go straight so for people in other situation or in the dark it could be confusing without that turn instruction. So I would say in this example it's better to keep

frederikb96 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for investigating.

I actually drove the road in the night and from my perspective I can not imagine that anyone would wonder if to follow the road here, since it is only a track and you are on a primary high way.

Generally in areas like La Palma or Scotland (two areas I have been lately) there are a lot of roads with many curves and a lot of tracks for forest workers or farmers and there are a lot of turn instructions due to this. I personally never thought that it was ever unclear to simply follow the main road. From my experience, other routing engines/software don't give instructions in those cases. I prefer this behavior.

But I understand that this may vary strongly from area to area and that it is very subjective. So feel free to close the issue, if a change is not desired.

If there is the possibility for a change, I would suggest to simply do not give turn instructions if you have to follow a bigger road (e.g. >=secondary highway) which is keeping its name and there are only tracks or paths connected to the road you drive.

I can also give some more example cases, I have noted down in the last days, if that is helpful :)

frederikb96 commented 1 year ago

Just had some time. Some examples for crossings of highways and tracks, where turn navigations occur if following the highway. From survey, I can say that I have never thought of continuing on one of those tracks when following the main road, so I would propose to not have turn navigations here.

Trtip from west to east: 28.77589° N, 17.95542° W 28.77810° N, 17.94677° W 28.77622° N, 17.94477° W 28.78495° N, 17.92938° W 28.78825° N, 17.92832° W 28.78909° N, 17.92671° W Trip from north to south: 28.78265° N, 17.96555° W Trip from north to south: 28.78392° N, 17.91766° W 28.78411° N, 17.91935° W Trip from north to south: 28.65594° N, 17.93729° W 28.65874° N, 17.93397° W

vshcherb commented 1 year ago

Indeed we need to check why https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/blob/3ad4b2ee85a1f956a97d4462c8e507470b2a1889/OsmAnd-java/src/main/java/net/osmand/router/RouteResultPreparation.java#L1153 (it's announced though it's from different road classes and it should be taken into account