osmandapp / OsmAnd

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Include "shelter=yes" in "Shelter" category (and also something=yes in amenity/tourism/...=something) #16353

Open ceever opened 1 year ago

ceever commented 1 year ago


When searching for "Shelter", the search result also come up with the general "Shelter" category, which does however only seem to relate to "amenity=shelter" but not include "shelter=yes".

How to reproduce?

  1. Select a public transport stop with filter "shelter=yes".
  2. Note the orange circle.
  3. Now, search Shelter and select the generic "Shelter" type.
  4. See the missing orange circle for the same bus stop.

Expected behaviour

The generic Shelter term should also include "shelter=yes" OR "shelter_type=*" OR "tourism=wilderness_hut"

Wilderness hut is described as a shelter in the OSM wiki and there is always a discussion whether something is "tourism=wilderness_hut" or "shelter_type=basic_hut". Hence, it falls in the same category.

Furthermore, it could make sense to add "tourism=alpine_hut" into the Shelter category.

NOTE: There are more examples like this, where something is an amenity but can also be tagged with this property=yes, like explained above. It would make sense to identify all such cases and to complete the according categories properly. Otherwise the search will not be able to identify such cases where something=yes — it currently does not.

Your Environment

OsmAnd Version: 4.3.5 Android/iOS version: Android 9 Device model: Galaxy S8

sonora commented 1 year ago

Seems closely related to https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/issues/16359.

martinstingl commented 10 months ago

This is also the case for amenity=hunting_stand tagged with shelter=yes which currently cannot be found when searching for a shelter.