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Allow select Routes without shields #17824

Closed SergeyP2 closed 5 months ago

SergeyP2 commented 1 year ago


Some openstreetmap hiking / bicycle routes don't have shields, so I cannot select them, and miss a lot of fuctionality that is already in the app for routes that user can select.

So, I suggest to allow select routes without shields either by direct clicking near route, or by adding some default shields to them

DmitryAlexei commented 1 year ago

Probably related with https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd/issues/17234 you can choose routes by tapping on its name or on the default shield

You may need to update your app and maps to the latest versions.

If the problem persists, please, add screenshot or short video and coordinates of the issue.

SergeyP2 commented 1 year ago

Here it is. I've updated app (4.5.9, 2023-08-01) and downloaded fresh map file for Kazakhstan (2023-08-01). I try press as precise as posible on the trail. Short press does nothing, long press opens property drawer for this point in space. Screenshots attached.

sonora commented 1 year ago

It looks like these are no routes, merely paths?

SergeyP2 commented 1 year ago

It looks like these are no routes, merely paths?

When I go into "Configure map" and uncheck "Cycle routes", then the brown one lose its brown highlighting. If I uncheck "Difficulty classification", then the red one lose its red highlighting.

So are they routes or paths, what is the difference? At least brown one is affected by "routes" setting.

sonora commented 1 year ago

The difficulty rating is just a property of a path, so has nothing to do with the path being part of a route relation or not.

But you are right, the one highlighted in brown belongs to this bicycle route https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/14419851#map=14/43.1871/76.9993. I wonder why OsmAnd does nowhere show its name МАУ-1, which would then be tappable.

SergeyP2 commented 1 year ago

But you are right, the one highlighted in brown belongs to this bicycle route ...

OK, then at least brown routes need fix, there are several more nearby, also without name to click.

sonora commented 1 year ago

@vshcherb I am wondering why is the relationship name is not rendered in these cases, in other regions they usually are?

(The routes are contained in the KZ map, just their names seem not displayed.)

vshcherb commented 1 year ago

Good question names should be abervated into refs and shiled created that what I thought

sonora commented 1 year ago

Looks like a bug to me, perhaps limited to that map, as other maps show route relation names.

In the screenshot above, there is one route to the west which happens to have a street name also, which is displayed. When tapping it, it also offers the corresponding route for selection (MAY-5 by my recollection), and also several other routes (MAY xy) in the vicinity, which are otherwise not tappable. Could perhaps also be a characterset issue.

dmpr0 commented 5 months ago
