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Support the display of climbing routes #18134

Open alberto4github opened 10 months ago

alberto4github commented 10 months ago

The most important tag would be climbing=route, which indicates the route along which the climb takes place. Many more details can be provided, thus being a good centralized guide to climbing routes (which does not currently exist). https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Climbing#Climbing_routes

Currently "climbing areas" are correctly shown as POIs and it is fine, but I propose to implement a specific option to be able to show/not show climbing routes (by default, disabled, so as not to give rise to errors of people following a "path" that is not such), in the map configuration.

Thanks :)

mnalis commented 10 months ago

some other users request / explanation of the problem too: https://osmand.narkive.com/n1fvHkJp/displaying-rock-climbing-routes-in

alberto4github commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the info. I see that it is perfectly described the suggestion by the partner in this web

DmitryAlexei commented 10 months ago

More than 8400 objects according to Taginfo For example this way (https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/128280890 ) is not shown and cannot be found in search

wmbr commented 6 months ago

+1 An easy first improvement would be to also show nodes tagged climbing=route_bottom.

BHSPitMonkey commented 2 weeks ago

It would be great to see this supported by the renderer and handled as ski trails / pistes are today, e.g. with the ability to configure via a profile. Support for nodes is already okay (when the node is named and contains sport=climbing), but I've mapped several mountain climbing routes as ways with climbing=route (like the example in the above comment) and these are completely invisible in OsmAnd (unless highway=path is added, but this is inappropriate for technical climb to have).